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  • 20 May – when bees and other pollinators are in the global spotlight

    Slovenia has made a significant contribution to the visibility of Slovenian beekeeping knowledge and to raising global awareness of the importance of bees by proclaiming World Bee Day.

  • Two weeks to the sixth celebration of World Bee Day

    The sixth World Bee Day will be celebrated on 20 May. The UN General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017. Our aim is to raise awareness of the general public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for our survival on this planet.

  • EU agriculture ministers express solidarity with ukraine and stress their committment to finding a common solution

    Minister Irena Šinko has attended the Agriculture and Fisheries Council to discuss agricultural topics together with her EU counterparts. An important discussion was held on the situation on agricultural markets, in particular in light of the war in Ukraine, and export limitations for Ukrainian grain imposed by some EU member states. Ministers also exchanged their experience in implementing the strategic plans for the common agricultural policy and discussed the regulative framework for the certification of carbon removals. Slovenia recalled, in the EU Council, the importance of labelling the origin of honey in light of the planned revision of the Honey Directive.

  • Presentation of special aspects of Slovenian agriculture in the light of the upcoming new legislation on the sustainable use of plant protection products

    As part of the new EU legislation to be adopted on the sustainable use of plant protection products, a European Commission delegation headed by Deputy Director-General for Health and Food Safety Claire Bury visited Slovenia at the invitation of Minister Irena Šinko.

  • One month to the sixth celebration of World Bee Day

    In a month's time, on 20 May, Slovenia and the world will celebrate World Bee Day for the sixth time. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed World Bee Day on 20 December 2017. The main purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness among the international public about the importance of bees and other pollinators for humanity in light of food security, the global elimination of hunger and care for the environment and biodiversity.

  • Minister Šinko with Croatian Minister Vučković on the Grapevine flavescence dorée and the withdrawal of funds

    The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Irena Šinko, met with the Croatian Minister of Agriculture, Marija Vučković, at a farm in Sela pri Ratežu.

  • 22 March, World Water Day – Accelerating Change

    World Water Day, celebrated on 22 March each year, highlights the importance of water. The theme of this year’s World Water Day is “Accelerating Change”. Clean (drinking) water is not a commodity to be taken for granted, it is also part of a carefully planned framework of regulations and measures to ensure water conservation.

  • Slovenia to strengthen business and tourism promotional activities in the United States

    With 332 million, the United States of America presents an important market with many opportunities for the Slovenian economy and tourism. It can take several years for companies to successfully penetrate the US market, and Slovenia as a country can open doors through increased promotion.

  • Minister Šinko and Japanese Minister on intensified cooperation

    Ms Irena Šinko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF), met with the Japanese Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr Tetsuro Nomura. During her visit to Japan, the Minister held several meetings with representatives of different institutions, taking also a field tour of several show cases of good practices in agriculture and in fisheries.

  • Slovenia presenting premium quality food products in Japan

    Ms Irena Šinko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF), is participating in the formal opening of the 48th FOODEX Japan 2023, the largest international food and beverages show, jointly with a delegation of Slovenian industrial and economic operators. At the show, regarded as the leading food and beverage show in Asia, 11 Slovenian companies are presenting themselves.

  • One more week to apply to the open call for the 2023 Golden Bee Award

    In December, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food issued an open call to individuals, legal persons or bodies governed by public law for submitting the applications for the 2023 Golden Bee Award. The Republic of Slovenia gives out the Golden Bee Award as the highest national award for the preservation and protection of bees and other pollinators. The call remains open until 1 March 2023. The topic of this year's call is research on bees and other pollinators.

  • State Secretary Buzeti at the conference on regional food security in times of crisis

    State Secretary Tatjana Buzeti attended the two-day Balkan Conference on Regional Food Security in Times of Crisis in Bulgaria. The aim of the conference was to improve cooperation in the fields of agriculture and rural development.

  • Minister Šinko on the promotion of sustainable livestock farming and meat consumption systems

    Minister Irena Šinko participated via video link in a conference entitled "Which sustainable livestock farming and meat consumption systems should the European Union promote and preserve by 2050" at the invitation of the French Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Marc Fesneau.

  • EU agriculture ministers supported Slovenia’s initiative of greater transparency in honey mixture provenance designation

    Minister Irena Šinko participated in the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting. This was the first meeting taking place under the Swedish Presidency, so the programme of the Presidency for the following half year was presented in the beginning. With the support of 19 Member States, Slovenia presented the initiative to revise Council Directive on honey, in the part referring to provenance designation of honey mixtures.

  • Minister Šinko at Global forum for food and agriculture

    Minister Irena Šinko participated in the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) – the 15th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, titled: “Food Systems Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises”. The Agriculture Ministers’ Conference is attended by over 70 Ministerial Delegations from around the Globe, and representatives of the European Commission, the African Union, agricultural institutions and associations, and other international organisations. The event takes place within the International Green Week (IGW) that was opened for visitors on 20 January.

  • In Berlin, Slovenia presented as green and ecological country

    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Ms. Irena Šinko, participated in the official opening ceremony of the Berlin International Green Week (IGW), taking place from 19 to 29 January 2023. At the trade fair, Slovenia is presented as a green and ecological country (ecological + local = ideal).

  • 10th survey of the basic food basket shows lowest price to date

    The results of the 10th survey of the basic food basket were published on the “Our Superfood” website on 17 January 2023. The results of the analysis show that the price of the average cheapest basket of 15 basic foods is currently at its lowest since monitoring started. Furthermore, a comparison of price trends over the last two weeks shows a decrease in meat prices.

  • 9th inventory of basic food prices shows a marginal decrease in the basket price

    The results of the ninth inventory of basic food products made on 3 January 2023 are published on the “Our Superfood” website. The analyses of the inventory reveal a minimal reduction in the basic food basket and in the fruit and vegetables basket. However, a comparison of price trends over the last two weeks reveals concrete price increases for meat.

  • Ministers Šinko and Stojmenova Duh about the progress of digitalisation in agriculture project

    The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Irena Šinko, and the Minister of Digital Transformation, Dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, met today at the second meeting with students and mentors from four faculties. They presented the progress in the project entitled The Possibilities for Digitalising Farms with Young Owners, for which the research phase has concluded.

  • 53rd Correspondence Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At its correspondence meeting, the Government adopted the Decree about the animal welfare intervention of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023–2027 for Slovenia in the year 2023 and the Decree on Conditionality. It also gave its consent to the Business Plan of the Agency for Radwaste Management for 2023–2024 and concluded the Contract on the implementation of the compulsory State utility service for radioactive waste management.