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  • Government declares COVID-19 epidemic throughout Slovenian territory

    An epidemic has been declared throughout Slovenian territory as of today. At the correspondence session on 18 October 2020, the Government adopted the Order on the Declaration of a COVID-19 Epidemic based on the Communicable Diseases Act.

  • As from 4 July, Belgium and the Netherlands included in the green list while Czechia, Croatia and France are excluded

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia decided to include Belgium and the Netherlands in the list of epidemiologically safe counties or administrative units of countries (green list) as from 4 July 2020. It also decided to remove Czechia, Croatia and France from the green list, which means that these countries are now on the yellow list.

  • The ordinance on measures to be implemented at border crossings upon entry into Slovenia enters into force tomorrow

    Today, the Ordinance on imposing and implementing measures for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 at border crossings at the external border and at control points at the internal borders of the Republic of Slovenia was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. The Ordinance determines the locations of control points at the internal borders with Italy, Austria and Hungary, when they are open and who can cross the border at a particular control point. In addition, it determines who is and who is not ordered to undergo a quarantine, and who is and who is not allowed entry into the country. The Ordinance repeals the legal acts previously regulating this area. It enters into force on the day following its publication, which is tomorrow, on 12 April 2020.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: The economy is important, but this is a moment when people’s safety and health come first

    An extraordinary video conference of the European Council or, more precisely, of the EU heads of state and government, including Slovenia’s Prime Minister Janez Janša, was held today due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Government to enhance measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus

    In today’s statement made after the National Security Council session, Prime Minister Janez Janša announced that in the coming days the Government will enhance the measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

  • Dr Beovič on the current situation regarding COVID-19

    Bojana Beovič, the Head of the Expert Group that provides support to the Crisis Staff of the Republic of Slovenia for the containment and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, said that, according to the latest data, there were 253 confirmed coronavirus cases in Slovenia by 2 p.m. today.

  • The Government has adopted the proposal for an intervention act on temporary measures regarding judicial, administrative and other public law-related matters and the Ordinance prohibiting air services in the Republic of Slovenia

    At its meeting by correspondence today, the Government adopted the Proposal for the Act on temporary measures regarding judicial, administrative and other public law-related matters to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

  • Video

    The Republic of Slovenia’s crisis unit on concrete measures to contain the epidemic

    The crisis unit of the Republic of Slovenia to contain and manage the COVID-19 epidemic that was appointed yesterday met at its first session chaired by Prime Minister Janez Janša. The unit discussed the situation in the international environment, particularly in immediate neighbouring countries, and current developments in Slovenia. The members of the unit held a thorough discussion and agreed to implement several concrete measures to contain the epidemic. Furthermore, Jelko Kacin was appointed the official speaker of the crisis unit.

  • Changed diagnostics for more realistic planning of measures to manage the epidemic

    The expert team providing assistance to the crisis unit to contain and manage the COVID-19 epidemic proposed to change the diagnostics method that is based on the number of severely ill people. Prime Minister Janez Janša emphasised that this method would enable a more realistic adoption of measures and plans for the allocation of essential resources.

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    Restrictions aim to prevent the virus from spreading rapidly and to keep the health system operational

    Given the epidemiological situation, we have now entered the second phase. We must limit social contact to the greatest possible extent to stem the spread of coronavirus infections in the most effective way and to keep the health system operational. There is no ban on freight traffic from Italy to Slovenia for the transport of postal items, protective equipment and medical supplies, medicines and philanthropic assistance. The border with Italy can also be crossed by freight shipments whose ultimate destination is Slovenia.

  • Video

    Government Order in force on the conditions of entry into Slovenia from Italy, aimed at stemming the spread of infection

    The Minister of Health, Aleš Šabeder, announced that the Order on the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia from the Italian Republic to prevent the spread of infectious disease entered into force at 6 p.m. today.

  • Slovenia's border with Italy not closed but health checks of passengers introduced

    Slovenia has not closed its border with Italy but is to impose health checks of passengers to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Six check points will be set up at the following locations: Rateče, Robič, Vrtojba, Škofije, Fernetiči and Krvavi Potok. There will be no restrictions for Slovenian citizens. As regards the envisaged measures imposed at the border with Italy to contain the spread of the coronavirus, it should be noted that since this is not a measure under the Schengen Code, notification based on this Code is not required.

  • Government adopts decision to implement border control checks for travellers between Italy and Slovenia

    At its meeting by correspondence, the Government adopted a decision to start carrying out border control checks in the vicinity of the border between Slovenia and Italy on 11 March 2020. This measure is aimed at reducing the risk of spreading the contagious disease SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) in Slovenia and at protecting the health of its population.

  • PM announces closing border with Italy

    The prime minister has ordered the health ministry and the interior ministry to make all necessary preparations for closing the border with Italy, as has been done by Austria. This is a vital step if we want to curb the spread of the virus. The border will not be closed to freight, as this would cause additional economic damage. We are trying to stay for as long as possible in the first stage of the spread of the virus. Currently there are 34 confirmed cases. The border with Italy will be closed as soon as the technical and administrative formalities have been completed.

  • Measures to contain the spread of coronavirus are in force

    By 2 p.m. today there were 31 confirmed cases of the coronavirus infection in Slovenia; the number of tests performed stands at 1643. To provide information and assistance to the public, a call centre has been set up with the toll-free telephone number 080 14 04; furthermore, notification via text messages has been introduced for travellers crossing the Slovenian border.

  • National Security Council adopts measures to contain the spread of coronavirus

    There have now been 23 confirmed coronavirus cases and 1227 coronavirus tests have been carried out in Slovenia so far. According to Minister of Health Aleš Šabeder, new infection cases are predictable and are related to the already identified cases. All patients feel well. A call centre has been set up to assist inhabitants in finding information regarding the coronavirus.

  • The first case of novel coronavirus infection confirmed in Slovenia

    Health Minister Aleš Šabeder said in a press release that at 20:44 the Ministry had been informed of the first positive case of novel coronavirus infection in Slovenia.

  • Ministers of Health adopt Conclusions in Rome

    Following the invitation of the Italian Minister of Health, a meeting was held of the ministers of Italy’s neighbouring countries: Slovenia, France, San Marino, Austria, Croatia, Switzerland and Germany. Italy and its neighbours presented their existing and planned measures for protection against the coronavirus. The measures presented by the individual countries are comparable.

  • Slovenia shows solidarity with the People’s Republic of China in efforts against coronavirus by sending facemasks and donating to WHO

    Slovenia joins the efforts to limit the spread of coronavirus by sending assistance in kind (1.2 million facemasks) to the People’s Republic of China, thus being among the first countries to respond through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by providing the most generous donation per capita. In addition, Slovenia will also allocate a EUR 60,000 donation to the World Health Organisation.