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  • With a stronger EU-LAC partnership towards achieving climate goals

    The autumn session of the 5th Latin America and Caribbean Days international conference (LAC Days 2023), focusing on the environment, climate, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and related economic opportunities, and feminist foreign policy, kicked off in Ljubljana with an opening panel.

  • Minister Fajon: EU Mediterranean countries must raise their voice for ceasefire and protection of civilians in Gaza

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon attended the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the nine EU Mediterranean countries in Madrid, Spain, the first MED-9 meeting at the level of foreign ministers. The ministers discussed the situation in the Middle East and enhanced cooperation with the Southern Neighbourhood countries.

  • The best foreign investors in 2023 are the companies Carthago, Boxline UCL, Elan and SPAR Slovenija

    At today’s gala event at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, SPIRIT Slovenia and the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport presented awards to the best foreign investors who have achieved outstanding results and made a significant contribution to the development of Slovenian economy in the past year.

  • State Secretary Štucin attends the Ministerial Meeting of the Central European Initiative

    Ministers of the Central European Initiative (CEI) member states met to discuss the prospects for and the acceleration of the EU integration process, including in the light of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the broader implications of the war, the impact of which is being felt in all CEI countries.

  • Minister Fajon: Three Slovenian citizens successfully evacuated from northern Gaza

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon announced that with great efforts and excellent cooperation between several parties, three Slovenian citizens have been evacuated from Gaza. She thanked her colleagues for their tireless efforts to help Slovenian citizens and announced a visit to the Middle East.

  • Minister Fajon reiterates the need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza

    Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon participated in an informal video conference of EU foreign ministers on the situation in Israel and the wider region.

  • World Children's Day – For every child, every right

    Children's rights are human rights - and they are being seriously violated for millions of children around the world: in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, Haiti and elsewhere. On World Children's Day, we echo UNICEF's call for peace for every child. Every child has the right to live in peace, in a clean and safe environment. They also have the right to be heard and to participate in the decisions that affect them.

  • 4th European AI Alliance Assembly on EU-LAC cooperation

    The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU organised the 4th European AI Alliance Assembly, which aims to improve EU policy and cooperation in the development and use of AI. The event was attended by Ambassador Tadej Rupel, National Coordinator for External Aspects of Digitalisation, AI and Cyber Security.

  • Resolute condemnation of the message on the doors of the Jewish Cultural Centre and Synagogue in Ljubljana

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Slovenian delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance strongly condemn the hate message that appeared this morning on the door of the Jewish Cultural Centre and Synagogue in Ljubljana on Križevniška Street. It is unacceptable that individuals should attempt to violate the dignity of Jews or any other minority group.

  • Traditional Slovenian breakfast served to 100 primary school teachers from 32 countries at ASEF’s Classroom Network Conference

    From 12 to 15 November 2023, Ljubljana hosted the 16th Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Classroom Network international conference entitled "Leading Change: Digital Transformation of Education in the Era of AI", where foreign guests were also served a traditional Slovenian breakfast to raise awareness of a healthy diet and regular breakfast for children and adults.

  • Minister Fajon’s response to the adoption of the UN Security Council resolution calling for the protection of children.

    The United Nations Security Council adopts a resolution focussing on the protection of children in Gaza and the release of hostages, many of whom are children. Below is the response of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, to the adoption of the resolution.

  • High-Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee

    The High-Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee was held in Paris to review and discuss the challenges of development cooperation in the context of rising global development and humanitarian needs, conflicts and disasters, the impact of climate change, and the slowdown in progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • New OACPS-EU Partnership Agreement

    On 15 November 2023, in Apia, Samoa, the EU and its member states signed with the 79 members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) a new Partnership Agreement, which will serve as the overarching legal framework for cooperation over the next 20 years. On behalf of Slovenia, the Agreement was signed by the Permanent Representative to the EU, Ambassador Iztok Jarc, in Brussels.

  • Slovenia hosted the 16th ASEF International Conference on Education in the Era of AI

    The 16th international conference of the Asia-Europe Foundation Classroom Network took place from 13 to 15 November 2023 in Ljubljana to discuss the digitalisation of education in the age of artificial intelligence. The participants were addressed by Maja Balant Slobodjanac, Governor from Slovenia in the Asia-Europe Foundation from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, which is actively involved in the Foundation

  • Slovenia strongly and consistently supports enhanced cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans

    Late this afternoon in Brussels, Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon attended the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting gathering the EU's Foreign Ministers and their counterparts from six Western Balkan countries. The second joint meeting this year was aimed at deepening cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkan countries in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

  • Minister Fajon: 'We are witnessing a crisis of humanity in Gaza. It is high time for a humanitarian ceasefire"

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon took part in the regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, which focused on the situation in Israel and the region. We are witnessing a crisis of humanity and a crisis of world order. It is therefore high time for an immediate humanitarian pause to the hostilities in Gaza and the establishment of humanitarian corridors," the Minister said.

  • Slovenia donates to victims of crimes

    Slovenia has contributed EUR 15,000 to the International Criminal Court's Trust Fund for Victims to help victims of the most serious crimes.

  • 33rd session of the Slovenian-Bavarian Mixed Commission opens at Brdo pri Kranju

    The 33rd session of the Slovenian-Bavarian Mixed Commission, Slovenia's oldest form of international cooperation, opened at Brdo pri Kranju. The Commission will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025, and this session was dedicated to the preparations for this important event. The members of the Commission were introduced by State Secretary Marko Štucin.

  • Response to the 2023 Enlargement Package

    On 8 November 2023, the European Commission adopted the 2023 Enlargement Package for the Western Balkans and Türkiye, and for the first time also for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The package provides an assessment of the state of play by key areas where reform progress is needed in each country.

  • Minister Fajon: Let's make artificial intelligence a successful brand for Slovenia

    Today, the first national conference on artificial intelligence, entitled "Artificial Intelligence - an Advantage and an Opportunity for Slovenia", took place at Jable Castle. The conference was opened by Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon and Minister of Digital Transformation Emilija Stojmenova Duh.