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  • EU funding for energy-saving renovation of the Residential Care Home of dr. France Bergelj Jesenice

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Energy-saving renovation of the Residential Care Home of dr. France Bergelj Jesenice. The project will receive Cohesion Fund support.

  • EU funding for ageing in place safely

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the call for proposals E-care at home, which will be launched by the Ministry of Health. The funding for the call comes from the European Social Fund under the React-EU initiative.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs at the business breakfast on grants for businesses in 2022

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs attended an online business breakfast where the participants discussed grants for businesses in 2022.

  • Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2021-2027 to pursue green objectives

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy (GODC) and the company ZaVIta held an audio-video conference with those giving opinions regarding the strategic environmental impact assessment (SEIA) in drafting the national European Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 Programme.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs meets with representatives of Slovenian Business Club

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs today met with the representatives of Slovenian Business Club (SBC) to discuss EU funding opportunities, especially the calls targeting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

  • Draft Smart Specialisation Strategy published

    The working group of State Secretaries discussed and approved draft document of the renewed and renamed Smart Specialisation Strategy (S5) on 23 December 2021.

  • Connecting Slovenia: EU funds for eastern bypass in Ravne na Koroškem

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding under the European Regional Development Fund for the project Designing project documents for the connecting road of the Third Development Axis – Ravne Eastern Bypass. This is another in a series of investments, supported by EU funding, that aims to connect Slovenia.

  • React-EU funding for a stronger tourism sector in Slovenia

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the Call for proposals for investment in quality and sustainable transformation of Slovenian tourism sector to strengthen its resilience. The call will be published and managed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and supported by the European Regional Development Fund under the React-EU initiative.

  • React-EU funding for Institute of Occupational Safety of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project COVID-19 – Arrangement of the building of the Institute of Occupational Safety of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. The project, implemented by the Ministry of Health, will result in adequate equipment of the existing building of the former Institute of Occupational Safety of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana and will receive European Regional Development Fund support under the React-EU instrument.

  • EU funding for wastewater infrastructure in the Drava River basin

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Wastewater collection and treatment in the Drava River basin – Municipality Hoče-Slivnica. The project will receive Cohesion Fund support and will result in established wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure in the area of Radizela and Spodnje Hoče.

  • Supporting town revitalisation: EU funding for Maribor riverfront redevelopment

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Maribor riverfront redevelopment – Lent. The ERDF-supported project will foster Maribor waterfront regeneration, making the famous Lent bank and the promenade along the Drava River a vibrant urban place offering opportunities for social interaction, recreation, cultural events or just a pleasant place to sit and relax.

  • State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs attends an evening discussion on Cohesion Policy

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs attended an evening discussion on Cohesion Policy. The on-line event was organised by the info point Europe Direct Novo mesto and the Development Centre Novo mesto. The State Secretary drew attention to the important role Cohesion Policy funds play in ensuring a balanced regional development and went on to present the priorities supported by the NextGenerationEU instrument and the entities eligible to the funding available under the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027.

  • State Secretary at the launch of the 2021 Europe Sustainable Development Report

    State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs today gave closing remarks at the webinar marking the launch of the Europe Sustainable Development Report 2021. In her speech, State Secretary called for action.

  • Promoting sustainable mobility: EU funding for cycling connections in Kranj, Murska Sobota and Ptuj

    The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy approved EU funding for three cycle projects between mid-November and mid-December 2021; new bikeways in Kranj, Ptuj and Murska Sobota will be developed with the help of EU funding. The three investments are the latest in a series of projects that aim to foster sustainable mobility and provide safe and comfortable cycling routes. Over the past seven years, a total of EUR 115 million has been invested in cycling infrastructure, which resulted in the development of some 490 kilometers of bikeways across Slovenia.

  • EUR 3.8 million in React-EU funding for Novo mesto Intermediate Care Department

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project COVID-19 – Arrangement of premises for Intermediate Care Department – renovation of the old department of internal medicine at the Novo mesto General Hospital. The EUR 6 million project that will be implemented by the Ministry of Health will receive a substantial contribution from the European Regional Development Fund under the React-EU initiative in the amount of. EUR 3.8 million.

  • Minister Zvone Černač visits the Gorenjska region

    As part of the government visit to the region, the Minister for Development and European Cohesion Policy today met with the officials from the municipalities of Kranjska Gora, Žirovnica and Cerklje na Gorenjskem and with the CEOs of the Public Utility Company Tabre and the NGEN company to discuss EU funding opportunities.

  • Supporting town revitalisation: EUR 1.1 million in EU funding for the restoration of the Rafutski Park in Nova Gorica

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved over EUR 1.1 million from the European Regional Development Fund to support the project Restoration of the Rafutski Park and design of park entrances. The project is the latest in a series of similar EU-funded redevelopment projects that foster efficient use of space in urban areas. Over the past seven years, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has dedicated EUR 77.3 million in EU funding to investments that foster town revitalisation.

  • Promoting sustainable mobility: Over EUR 764 thousand for electric vehicle charging stations in Kranj

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EUR 764.5 thousand of European Regional Development Fund contribution for a project, implemented under the Agreement on the Development of the Region, for setting up electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Kranj. This is the first project supported by the ESI funds focusing entirely on EV charging stations; thus far EV charging stations were supported under Park and Ride projects resulting in around one hundred parking units offering EV charging.

  • State Secretary Kirbiš Rojs at the conference of the Centre for Creativity

    State Secretary mag. Monika Kirbiš Rojs and State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture dr. Ignacija Fridl Jarc today attended the conference of the Center for Creativity as special guests to deliver introductory remarks on the occasion of the launch of the call for proposals Promotion of cultural and creative industries – Centre for Creativity 2022. The call for proposals will receive ERDF co-financing.

  • Nearly EUR 627,000 in EU funding for deep energy renovation of a building in the Baron Andrej Čehovin Barracks

    Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EUR 627,000 from the Cohesion Fund for the project Deep energy renovation of Building 14 in the Baron Andrej Čehovin Barracks. The project is the latest in a series of projects aiming to improve energy efficiency in the public sector with the help of EU funding. In the current programming period, over EUR 107 million have been dedicated to energy renovation of public buildings.