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    One hundred days of the work of the government: DIALOGUE. STABILITY. TRUST.

    Upon the entry into office of government, the circumstances at home and abroad indicated that it would be illusory to expect a hundred days of peace. We greeted the victory at elections prepared: our priorities were clear; therefore, we rolled up our sleeves without a moment’s delay. We are realising our goals announced before the elections on a daily basis: strengthening the welfare state, public health, providing assistance to the population and the economy in the uncertain times of the energy and food crisis. Care for the individual is at the forefront of all our decisions.

  • Video

    Promotional video of the »Slovenia – A land of top athletes campaign«

    To coincide with the Volleyball Men's World Championship, the Government Communication Office prepared a campaign to promote Slovenia as a country of top athletes and sporting achievements.

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    Sports challenges in the fan zone

    Ahead of Sunday's Volleyball World Championship match in the group stage between Slovenia and France, a variety of sports challenges were set up in the fan zone in front of the Stožice Arena on Sunday, 28 August, presenting the story of Slovenia's athletic history through these activities.

  • The most visible and prestigious volleyball competition in the world

    Slovenia will host the Volleyball Men’s World Championship between 26 August and 7 September. This is the public and prestigious volley competition in the world.

  • The latest issue of Sinfo has been released

    Sinfo, a promotional magazine in English, published by the Government Communication Office, brings news on culture, sports, science, the economy and tourism. The latest Sinfo issue presents the key priorities of the government, and inter alia, highlights the Men's Volleyball World Championship.

  • Petra Bezjak Cirman appointed new Acting Director of the Government Communication Office

    At its meeting by correspondence on 11 August 2022, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia decided that Dragan Barbutovski is to be dismissed from the position of Acting Director of the Government Communication Office as of 16 August 2022 and Petra Bezjak Cirman appointed as Acting Director of the Government Communication Office as of 17 August 2022.

  • Numerous promotional activities will be organised on the occasion of the volleyball championship

    For the first time, Slovenia will co-host the Volleyball Men’s World Championship, which is to take place between 26 August and 11 September. On the occasion of this unique opportunity to increase Slovenia’s global visibility as a green destination for top sporting events, the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia, the Government Communication Office (UKOM) and the Slovenian Tourist Board (STO) are preparing numerous promotional and accompanying activities.

  • Video

    Prime Minister Janez Janša in address to Ukrainian people: You are the ones standing on the right side of the history fighting for a just cause.

    Prime Minister Janez Janša addressed Ukrainian people. The speech was originally published on Channel24 (24 Канал).

  • Signature of the STA contract for 2021

    The Director of the Government Communication Office (UKOM) Uroš Urbanija and the Acting Director of the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) Igor Kadunc signed a public service contract for the STA this year.

  • Alfred Brežnik: Slovenia exceeded all expectations and has become a commendable and successful country, an example worthy of imitation

    Throughout his life, Alfred Brežnik - Fredi, an electrical engineer, a businessman and a long-term Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in New South Wales, Australia, has been promoting Slovenianness and his home country with dedication and sacrifice. He moved to Australia in 1959. Together with other compatriots in Australia, Brežnik was particularly active during Slovenia’s independence process. Prior to that, he held intensive discussions with Australian politicians regarding the recognition of Slovenian independence. And also thanks to him, Australia was the first overseas country to acknowledge Slovenia as an independent state in January 1992.

  • Prime Minister Janša at the Budapest Demographic Summit: We need a brave family policy

    Today, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the Budapest Demographic Summit. The summit is an annual event hosting top-level speakers, members of the EU and national parliaments, former ministers, senior religious leaders, civil society representatives, academics and journalists.

  • Press release

    The Communication Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (UKOM) has sent the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) the final version of the public service contract.

  • Press release regarding the Slovenian Press Agency

    Today, the Government Communication Office (UKOM) sent the second draft of the contract to the Slovenian Press Agency that provides for the financing of the Slovenian Press Agency (STA), a public service, as defined by the Slovenian Press Agency Act. Numerous details were coordinated at yesterday’s coordination meeting. Currently, there are two elements that have yet to be coordinated. In the Slovenian Press Agency Act, it is stated that all content created as part of a public service must be freely accessible to all under equal conditions. Irrespective of this legal provision, the STA’s director Bojan Veselinović insists on continuing to sell certain services on the free market that are part of a public service and, in doing so, is in clear violation of the law, because those paying for the service would have different access to these services than those not paying for it.

  • Video

    The prioritetes of the Slovenian presidency presented to Brussels correspondents

    In line with the tradition of the presiding countries, Slovenia has hosted correspondents from Brussels accredited at the EU institutions at the beginning of its presidency. The correspondents spoke to the highest representatives of the Government about the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency, and had an opportunity to experience Slovenia as a boutique, sustainable and safe tourist destination.

  • In Slovenia, the honey self-sufficiency rate in 2019 was 44% lower than in 2018

    In 2019, the world honey yield was 173% higher than in 1961. In 2019, 10,145 beekeepers in Slovenia were taking care of 208,000 hives (3,245 organic), each an average of 21 hives. In 2019, Slovenian beekeepers produced 650 tons of honey, 63% less than in 2018.

  • Press release regarding the Slovenian Press Agency (STA)

    The District Court in Ljubljana annulled the enforcement orders for the recovery of EUR 169,000.00 for January 2021 and EUR 169,000.00 for February 2021, issued by the District Court in Ljubljana against the Government Communication Office (UKOM) on the basis of the motion for enforcement filed by Slovenska tiskovna agencija, d.o.o., represented by Bojan Veselinović through the law firm Kozinc and Partners o.p., d.o.o. They also added that the court will decide on the claim and costs in civil proceedings before the District Court in Ljubljana.

  • A letter to EANA regarding the developments around the Slovenian Press Agency.

    We, too, would prefer that the events that occurred in the Slovenian Press Agency had never happened. Unfortunately, they did happen, and they should serve as a reminder and warning to all so that something similar never happens again.

  • Nuška Čakš Jager: Vaccination should be expanded to the entire population

    The press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19 was attended by Nuška Čakš Jager, the deputy head of the Communicable Diseases Centre of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), and Doroteja Štruc, the head of the healthcare programme and vaccination coordinator in the vaccination centre of the Celje Community Health Centre.

  • Press release regarding the STA situation

    The Government Communication Office (UKOM) is concerned about the situation in which the Slovenian Press Agency (STA) has been placed by individual supervisors of STA and the director Bojan Veselinović. Despite calls for a new contract, with which legal financing of liabilities that STA must carry out in line with the Slovenian Press Agency Act would be ensured, Director Veselinović keeps rejecting the deal with the Government Communication Office as the representative of the founder and continues to send invoices to UKOM. Despite warnings that UKOM has no business relationship with STA as of 1 January 2021, Director Veselinović submitted the invoice for the alleged performance of public service in March to UKOM. Due to the above facts, UKOM rejected the March pay-out.

  • Simona Kustec: The schedules of vocational and general matura exams remain unchanged

    The press conference on the current situation regarding Covid-19 was attended by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Dr Simona Kustec, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Franc Vindišar, and Director of the National Examinations Centre, Darko Zupanc.