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Minister Logar at United Nations Special Session on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar spoke in the general debate during the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the COVID-19 pandemic. In his address, he stressed that the current health, economic and social crisis calls for a well-coordinated regional and global response.
Members of the Green Group call for action in combating climate change
New York, 24 September 2020 – On the margins of the Climate Week taking place during the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), members of the Green Group (Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Iceland, Singapore, Slovenia and the United Arab Emirates) call for action in combating climate change in their joint statement.
Anniversary of Slovenia's UN membership
Twenty-eight years ago, on this day, Slovenia joined the United Nations, which was a watershed in efforts for international recognition of the newly emerged state; it became a full-fledged partner in multilateral forums within the universal Organisation. To mark the occasion, this day is celebrated as Slovenian Diplomacy Day.