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Ministry of Public Administration receives representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from North Macedonia
The Ministry of Public Administration has today received representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from North Macedonia as part of their two day-visit to Slovenia.
Meeting of high-level representatives from Germany, Portugal and Slovenia to discuss preparations for the presidency of the Council of the EU
An eight-member delegation of the Slovenian Government, led by Slovenian Minister of Economy Zdravko Počivalšek, is attending a working meeting in Berlin at the invitation of German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier.
Armenian delegation on a study visit to Slovenia
The Ministry of Public Administration, more specifically the team of experts from the IT Directorate, hosted a study visit of the Armenian delegation.
Minister Rudi Medved in a meeting with deputy Secretary General of OECD
Bled, 2nd September 2019 – Minister for public affairs Rudi Medved attended Bled Strategic Forum 2019, where dialog was being held among high leaders from states and companies and they discussed key issues concerning Europe in 21st century. Aside from this event, minister Medved met deputy Secretary General of OECD, Mr. Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen. They discussed the challenges in the field of digitalization and artificial intelligence.
Ministry of Public Administration represented at the 6th International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining
The 6th International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining is being held on the 25th and 26th of July in London. On the first day, dr. Kern Pipan from the IT Directorate of the Ministry of Public Administration gave a successful presentation entitled "Supporting improvements in decision making process using big data analytics in the Ministry of Public Administration of Republic Slovenia". The presentation aroused much attention, including a number of questions regarding the implementation, benefits and future challenges.
OECD successfully concluded its second mission in Slovenia to support the development of innovation-oriented public procurement
In the second week of July, a team of experts from the OECD and the European Commission arrived in Slovenia to proceed with the public procurement review project.
Seeking solutions to radio interference at the third ITU multilateral meeting
In agreement with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Ministry of Public Administration hosted a multilateral meeting on the 8th and 9th of July to coordinate the use of the radio spectrum for FM radio. The meeting was chaired by Ms Ilham Ghazi, the Head of the Broadcasting Services at the Radiocommunication Bureau of the ITU, and attended by representatives of Italy, France, Switzerland, Croatia, Malta and Slovenia.
In its efforts to protect Slovenia's interests in the harmonised use of the radio spectrum, the Slovenian Government continues to be a determined, active and constructive partner
The Minister of Public Administration, Rudi Medved, and the Acting Director-General of the Information Society Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration, Marjan Turk, addressed the issue of the harmonisation of radio spectrum use in the border areas with Italy at today's press conference.
Ukrainian delegation on a study visit at the Ministry of Public Administration
A delegation from Ukraine is on a study visit to Slovenia, visiting the Ministry of Public Administration today and tomorrow.
State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration Leon Behin calls for the reduction of digital divide at the meeting of telecommunications ministers
The State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration, Mr Leon Behin, attended the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE Council), which was held on Friday, 7 June 2019, in Luxembourg. At the meeting, the State Secretary debated the main actions Europe should take immediately to maintain its global competitiveness in the data economy, and the core tasks of digitising the European economy. The Council focused on the policy debate concerning the future of a highly digitised Europe beyond 2020.
State Secretary Leon Behin on the presidential initiative: “We need highways of the future”
On Wednesday, 5 June 2019, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration, Leon Behin, discussed in the company of senior officials, businessmen and other distinguished guests at The Three Seas Initiative held at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The panel was hosted by the renowned guest and expert Jan - Jacques Sahel, vice president of ICANN. The participants discussed the digital transformation of society and information security.
EUPAN Directors-General informal meeting in Bucharest
Director-General of the Public Sector Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration Peter Pogačar is attending a two-day informal meeting of EUPAN Directors-General in Bucharest.