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  • Slovenia to declare an epidemic and temporarily close kindergartens and schools

    Prime Minister Marjan Šarec today said that Slovenia would declare an epidemic pursuant to Article 7 of the Contagious Diseases Act due to the increasing number of coronavirus cases. The Civil Protection Service of the Republic of Slovenia, which is already participating, will be activated; it will be able to perform its tasks more effectively on the basis of the order issued by the Minister of Health. The Government also adopted a decision to temporarily close kindergartens and schools.

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    Government Order in force on the conditions of entry into Slovenia from Italy, aimed at stemming the spread of infection

    The Minister of Health, Aleš Šabeder, announced that the Order on the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia from the Italian Republic to prevent the spread of infectious disease entered into force at 6 p.m. today.

  • Slovenia's border with Italy not closed but health checks of passengers introduced

    Slovenia has not closed its border with Italy but is to impose health checks of passengers to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Six check points will be set up at the following locations: Rateče, Robič, Vrtojba, Škofije, Fernetiči and Krvavi Potok. There will be no restrictions for Slovenian citizens. As regards the envisaged measures imposed at the border with Italy to contain the spread of the coronavirus, it should be noted that since this is not a measure under the Schengen Code, notification based on this Code is not required.

  • Government adopts decision to implement border control checks for travellers between Italy and Slovenia

    At its meeting by correspondence, the Government adopted a decision to start carrying out border control checks in the vicinity of the border between Slovenia and Italy on 11 March 2020. This measure is aimed at reducing the risk of spreading the contagious disease SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) in Slovenia and at protecting the health of its population.

  • PM announces closing border with Italy

    The prime minister has ordered the health ministry and the interior ministry to make all necessary preparations for closing the border with Italy, as has been done by Austria. This is a vital step if we want to curb the spread of the virus. The border will not be closed to freight, as this would cause additional economic damage. We are trying to stay for as long as possible in the first stage of the spread of the virus. Currently there are 34 confirmed cases. The border with Italy will be closed as soon as the technical and administrative formalities have been completed.

  • Measures to contain the spread of coronavirus are in force

    By 2 p.m. today there were 31 confirmed cases of the coronavirus infection in Slovenia; the number of tests performed stands at 1643. To provide information and assistance to the public, a call centre has been set up with the toll-free telephone number 080 14 04; furthermore, notification via text messages has been introduced for travellers crossing the Slovenian border.

  • National Security Council adopts measures to contain the spread of coronavirus

    There have now been 23 confirmed coronavirus cases and 1227 coronavirus tests have been carried out in Slovenia so far. According to Minister of Health Aleš Šabeder, new infection cases are predictable and are related to the already identified cases. All patients feel well. A call centre has been set up to assist inhabitants in finding information regarding the coronavirus.

  • Proportionate measures are in place, no reasons to declare an epidemic yet

    There are currently 16 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Slovenia, all originating from abroad. The health condition of all patients is good. Prime Minister Marjan Šarec convened a meeting of the National Security Council for tomorrow to take note of the report submitted by the Ministry of Health and other ministries. The professional services assess that there are no reasons to declare an epidemic yet. He stressed the importance of taking proportionate measures.

  • Official updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection

    In Slovenia 12 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed. The risk level of transmission has increased, therefore the Minister of Health will sign an order banning larger public events. Prime Minister Marjan Šarec will convene a meeting of the National Security Council on Monday.

  • Minister of Health signs order to ban gatherings at events in public places

    Minister of Health signed an Order imposing a ban on gatherings at events in public places.

  • Official updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection

    Statements providing updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection have been given by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Simona Repar Bornšek, epidemiologist Zoran Simonovič from the Maribor Regional Unit of the National Institute of Public Health and Dr Nina Gorišek, Head of the Department for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions at the Maribor University Medical Centre.

  • New coronavirus infection confirmed in a third person

    Statements to the press have been delivered by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Simona Repar Bornšek, and Nina Pirnat, Director of the National Institute of Public Health.

  • Slovenia confirms second case of coronavirus infection; appeal to all who have been in contact with the first infected person

    Statements providing updates on the occurrence of the coronavirus infection have been given by the Minister of Health, Aleš Šabeder, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Simona Repar Bornšek, Nina Pirnat from the National Institute of Public Health and the Head of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Dr Tatjana Lejko Zupanc.

  • The first case of novel coronavirus infection confirmed in Slovenia

    Health Minister Aleš Šabeder said in a press release that at 20:44 the Ministry had been informed of the first positive case of novel coronavirus infection in Slovenia.

  • The Government adopts the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government has adopted the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Slovenia (NEPN) in accordance with the European Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action.

  • The Government takes note of the current situation regarding the coronavirus

    The possibility of the occurrence of the virus in Slovenia is high, considering the limited outbreaks and confirmed cases of the coronavirus in neighbouring countries and elsewhere around the world.

  • National Security Council Secretariat meeting about the situation and activities concerning coronavirus

    At its meeting today, the National Security Council (NSC) Secretariat took note of the current situation and activities concerning the coronavirus, which are managed by the Ministry of Health as the competent state authority according to the Infectious Diseases Act.

  • 61st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government took note of the corona virus situation in the People’s Republic of China and decided to send the People’s Republic of China, on the basis of a request submitted through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, material assistance in the form of protective masks, cover 25% of transport costs (to the maximum amount of 20,000 EUR), and grant a contribution of 60,000 EUR to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for emergency humanitarian aid.

  • Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council Charles Michel on the future EU budget

    The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Marjan Šarec, met today with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in Brussels. The discussion focused on the negotiations regarding the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework for the 2021-2027 period. Over the past week President Michel has been holding bilateral talks with the EU-27 Heads of State and Government, on the basis of which a compromise agreement should be reached on the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework for the 2021-2027 period. To this end, a special European Council meeting will be held on 20 February 2020.

  • The Arbitral Award is applicable and binding, both countries must implement it.

    Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg delivered its judgment on the admissibility of the Slovenian action against Croatia for infringements of EU law resulting from Croatia’s refusal to implement the Arbitral Award on the border between the countries declaring that it lacks jurisdiction to rule on the action.