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  • Government confirms participation of the Slovenian Armed Forces in military training in Croatia

    At a correspondence meeting, the government formally decided that the artillery platoon of the Slovenian Armed Forces is to participate in Howitzer 2023 training held between 8 and 12 May at the Evgen Kvaternik training range in Slunj, Croatia.

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    47th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the government determined the text of the draft Act on specific matters relating to certain offences committed during the period of validity of the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection. Moreover, it adopted the 2023 Development Report and approved the annual plan for the financing and co-financing of investments in sports infrastructure for 2023.

  • Response to the fourth pensioners' rally

    Prime Minister Robert Golob and Slovenian Government ministers support the public and free expression of opinions and the right to peaceful protest.

  • 87th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    Today, the Government adopted the Stability Programme 2023 which must be submitted to the European Commission by the end of April each year as part of the European Semester process, as well as a number of other documents.

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    46th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government confirmed the draft revised state budget for 2023, following the Government reorganisation and the reduction in expenditure by EUR 609 million. It also adopted the draft amendment to the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act, which is aimed at enhancing the efficiency of proceedings.

  • Government decisions adopted at meetings of government committees

    At sessions of government committees, the government, among other things, reallocated EUR 48 million from the general budgetary provisioning to the financial plan of the Ministry of Infrastructure to finance price increases.

  • 84th correspondence meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's correspondence meeting, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia issued a Decree setting the maximum price of the complementary health insurance premium. It also adopted several replies to parliamentary questions.

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    45th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government extended electricity price regulation for households and small business customers until the end of the year. It also extended the validity of the decree setting the maximum allowable electricity price for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • 44th regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted the framework for the preparation of general government budgets for the 2024–2026 period. The Government also approved the proposed amendment to the State Border Control Act and the Resolution on the National Programme in the Field of Illicit Drugs for the 2023–2030 period.

  • Government on the motion to disqualify Constitutional Court judge from ruling

    At today's correspondence meeting, the Government adopted a motion to disqualify Constitutional Court judge Dr Dr Klemen Jaklič from ruling on the case of reviewing the constitutionality of the Radiotelevizija Slovenija Act, and at the same time sent the motion to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • Slovenia ensures its security also within the framework of the collective security of Nato

    On 4 April, the Alliance marks its 74th anniversary. On 29 March 2004, the Republic of Slovenia becomes part of the Alliance with the overwhelming support of its citizens.

  • Project 'Greater air connectivity of Slovenia' included in the Development Programmes Plan 2023-2026

    At today's correspondence session, the Government decided to include the registered project "Greater Air Connectivity of Slovenia" in the current Development Programmes Plan 2023-2026.

  • Government sent National Assembly reply to interpellation

    On Friday, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia sent the National Assembly a reply to the interpellation on its work and the accountability of its work, in which it completely dismissed as unfounded all of the SDS party’s accusations regarding the alleged inadequacy of its conduct.

  • 43rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government adopted several proposals for amendments to the acts and approved a project to provide drinking water for Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland. It also adopted a reply to the interpellation on the work and responsibilities of the Government, in which it rejects in their entirety all the allegations made in the interpellation as unfounded.

  • 79th Correspondence Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s correspondence meeting, the Government agreed to the draft amendments to the proposed Act Amending the Foreigners Act. Under the Act Determining the Aid to the Economy to Mitigate the Consequences of the Energy Crisis, funds totalling almost €400 million will be allocated to the economy to mitigate the high prices of electricity, natural gas and process steam.

  • 42nd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government set the expenditure ceiling for the rebalancing of this year’s budget, and adopted a proposal for an amendment to the Companies Act and a proposal for an amendment to the Industrial Property Act. The Government did not grant a discharge to the Management Board and Supervisory Board of 2TDK, Družba za razvoj projekta, d.o.o.

  • 78th correspondence meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's correspondence meeting, the government decided to temporarily suspend the execution of individual expenditures relating to integral items of the state budget as of 23 March 2023.

  • Government decisions adopted during the meeting of the Government Committee

    At the meeting of the Government Committee for State Regulation and Public Affairs, the government, inter alia, changed the value of the projects “Unmanned aircraft with NRC (nuclear, radiological, chemical) upgrade”, “Arrangement of hangars for JLTV vehicles (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle)”, “Triglav VNL (multipurpose ship)”, “Pro Line 21 advanced avionics for Falcon” and “Cougar helicopter upgrade” in the applicable Development Programmes Plan 2023–2026.

  • 41th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's regular session, the Government took note of the starting points, priorities and dynamics of the negotiations with the representative trade unions of the public sector. It also adopted the starting points for the adjustment of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and decided to make available EUR 50 million in SID Bank’s loans to companies affected by the energy crisis.

  • Government decisions from the Government committee meetings

    At the meetings of the Government committees, the Government responded to the adopted conclusions of the National Council on the issue of the growing scope of environmentally sensitive areas of permanent grassland, included in the Development Programmes Plan for 2023-2026 a new project titled Construction of the central kitchen in the Nova Gorica General Hospital and increased the value of the project titled Logistics Centre of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ).