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  • Slovenia: We remain in solidarity with Ukraine

    "There has never been any doubt in Slovenia that Ukraine is the victim and Russia is the aggressor, and we will continue to help Ukraine in every possible way," said Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob on the anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine. Last year, Slovenia helped Ukraine with almost €30 million in various forms of aid: from humanitarian and material assistance to direct aid to Ukrainian refugees who have taken refuge in our country. We have also been a strong supporter of Ukraine on the political stage and have been working hard to clearly condemn Russia's aggression and its crimes.

  • 37th Regular Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted proposals for legislation to speed up the green transition, a draft amendment to the Macro-prudential Supervision of the Financial System Act to facilitate and protect minimum wage earners who wish to take out a loan, and amendments to the Decree on self-employed professionals in culture. It approved investments to improve the water supply in Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland, and adopted a number of personnel matters in the Ministry of the Interior.

  • State Secretary for National and International Security receives Chair of the NATO Military Committee

    On behalf of the Prime Minister Robert Golob, the State Secretary for National and International Security in the Prime Minister's Office, Andrej Benedejčič, received the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer from the Netherlands.

  • The Government adopts a proposal for a public hearing on the constitutional review of the RTV Slovenija Act

    At today's correspondence session, the Government adopted a proposal to call a public hearing and hear witnesses and experts in the proceedings to review the constitutionality of the Act Amending the Radiotelevizija (RTV) Slovenija Act. The Government will send the proposal to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • 68th Correspondence Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's Correspondence Session, the Government amended the Decree determining the amount of excise duty on energy products and electricity and appointed new employers' representatives to the General Assembly of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.

  • 67th Correspondence Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    Vlada je na današnji dopisni seji sklenila, da bo Siriji zagotovila materialno pomoč za blažitev posledic potresa. Seznanila se je tudi s parafiranim sporazumom o reševanju stavkovnih zahtev in odložitvi stavke zaposlenih v Finančni upravi Republike Slovenije.

  • The 66th Correspondence Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s correspondence meeting, the government adopted a draft amendment to the Insurance Act and a regulation on direct payments under the strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy and on the implementation of interventions in the apiculture products sector. It also confirmed emergency temporary support for farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • Slovenia's humanitarian aid to the people of Turkey and Syria in the wake of the earthquake

    At the correspondence meeting, the government agreed to provide humanitarian aid to the people of the Republic of Turkey and the Syrian Arab Republic in the wake the earthquake.

  • Slovenia will also provide Turkey with material assistance to cope with the effects of earthquake

    At today's correspondence meeting, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia approved a motion to provide material assistance to the Republic of Turkey in the aftermath of the earthquake through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, in accordance with the request. The total value of the material assistance is 451,400 EUR.

  • Slovenia to deploy experts to Türkiye to assess the situation and coordinate rescue efforts

    At today's correspondence session, the Government decided that Slovenia will send experts to Türkiye to assess the situation and coordinate rescue operations following the catastrophic earthquake.

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    35th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government laid down the text of the proposed Act Amending the Administrative Dispute Act and withdrew the proposed Act on the temporary bonus for judges and state prosecutors from the legislative procedure.

  • The Government agrees to the proposed amendments to the amended State Administration Act

    At today's correspondence session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia approved the proposed amendments to the Act amending the State Administration Act, which, in addition to a more precise delimitation of the subject areas, tasks and system competences of ministries (in accordance with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Act), also propose the possibility of transferring local competences from one administrative unit to another administrative unit in the event of a large number of cases that cannot be resolved within a reasonable time by the locally competent administrative unit.

  • Government decisions at sessions of government committees

    At sessions of government committees, the Government gave its consent to proposed amendments to the Act Amending the Agriculture Act and carried out certain transfers of appropriations.

  • With joint efforts and a clear goal – let's realise Slovenia's sporting potential!

    When sports came under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, the basis was created to seek increased synergies between these three fields. The newly appointed Minister of the Economy, Tourism and Sports, Matjaž Han, and his partners presented plans in the field of tourism and sports for the current year and highlighted the key measures.

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    34th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government adopted amendments to the laws governing the state administration, scientific research and innovation and the Slovenian Armed Forces. It also amended the Decree on setting natural gas prices from the system and approved the text of its contract with the Slovenian Press Agency (STA).

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    Reorganisation will contribute to more successful government work

    Today’s taking of the oath by ministers in the National Assembly marks the beginning of a new era in the government term of Dr Robert Golob. The establishment of an efficient organisational structure of ministries will ensure better operability and more successful implementation of the Government’s tasks on the basis of the commitments from the Coalition Agreement.

  • 33rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today’s session, the Government appointed several state secretaries at the newly established ministries.

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    58th Correspondence Session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's correspondence session, the Government adopted decrees on the pricing of heat from district heating and on subsidies for the purchase of wood pellets.

  • The Government authorises ministers to sign annexes to collective agreements for research activities and the education sector

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia took note of the Annex to the Collective Agreement for the Education Sector in the Republic of Slovenia and the Annex to the Collective Agreement for Research Activities.

  • 32nd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session the Government adopted the Decree on compulsory health insurance service programmes, the capacities required for their implementation and the volume of funds for 2023. It also confirmed the final estimate of the direct damage to property caused by the floods of last September.