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Slovenia to become a full member of the European Space Agency
Prime Minister Robert Golob and European Space Agency (ESA) Director General Josef Aschbacher have signed an agreement that will see Slovenia become a full member of ESA on 1 January 2025, when the current Association Agreement expires.
107th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's meeting, the Government adopted an amendment to the Act on the Arrangement of Certain Issues Arising from the Final Ruling of the Court of Arbitration under the Arbitration Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia. It also approved a draft Aviation Act and an amendment to the Act on the Provision of Air Navigation Services, and issued the Decree on setting prices for certain petroleum products.
106th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted the proposal to increase the earmarked assets of the Slovenian Housing Fund, the starting points for drafting an act regulating the financing of the building of public rental housing and the amendments to the Decree on the compulsory health insurance service programme. It also decided that helicopter transports for emergency medical services are to be carried out as a state activity using police aircraft.
Halfway through the term of office: Striking a balance between the welfare state and a development breakthrough
Prime Minister Robert Golob and the Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers, Asta Vrečko and Matjaž Han, presented the achievements of the first half of the current Government's term of office. All three welcomed the Government's decision today to recognise Palestine.
105th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today’s session, the Government adopted the proposal on the recognition of independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine, approved the starting points for drafting amendments to the Health Services Act, the starting points for amending tax legislation and the strategy for eliminating precarious work. It also adopted the intervention act on personnel in social care.
Government adopts two flood recovery programmes by 2028 with development programme also being drafted
At its two last sessions, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted two flood recovery programmes to repair the damage caused by the August 2023 floods, with the development incentives measures programme also being drafted. After successfully preparing and submitting the application for financial assistance from the European Union Solidarity Fund, Slovenia received the maximum possible advance payment from the EU Solidarity Fund of EUR 100 million already in December 2023.
104th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted a draft Act on the classification of judicial and prosecutorial functions in salary grades on the basis of the Constitutional Court's decision and took note of the report on the utilisation of European Cohesion Policy funds in the 2014–2020 programming period, which had been fully absorbed.
103rd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At its meeting today, the Government adopted a rehabilitation programme to deal with the consequences of the August 2023 floods. The programme is worth EUR 2.3 billion over five years, with EUR 360 million earmarked for this year. The programme will provide all the funds for replacement construction, for all municipal infrastructure, for public buildings, i.e. schools, kindergartens, etc. The programme also includes the rehabilitation of watercourses through permanent measures.
218th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's correspondence session, the government adopted an opinion on the proposal to temporarily suspend the Ordinance related to the petition to review the constitutionality of the Ordinance calling a consultative referendum on regulating the right to assistance in the voluntary termination of life.
102nd regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today’s session, the Government reached the decision to start the procedure for the recognition of Palestine as an independent and sovereign state. It also adopted the framework to erect a monument commemorating Slovenia’s independence in Trg Republike in Ljubljana and approved the proposal for a new State Assets Management Strategy. The procedure for drafting the 2025 and 2026 budgets was initiated.
Decisions taken by government committees
At the government committee meetings, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, among other things, adopted an opinion on the draft Declaration marking the 20th anniversary of Slovenia’s membership of the European Union "At Home in Europe". It also included the project Major Maintenance of Halls of Residence for Secondary School Students 2024-2027 in the current Development Programme Plan for the period 2024-2027.
101st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government took note of the starting points for the pension reform, approved the starting point for changes to the disability and pension insurance system and confirmed the basis for initial coordination with the social partners. It also adopted the defence, military and civil defence strategy of the Republic of Slovenia.
Slovenia. At home in Europe – already for 20 years.
On 1 May 2004, Slovenia became a member of the European Union, along with nine other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Although there were some uncertainties before accession, from today's perspective we can see that membership has helped our country on the path to economic development and international recognition, and has opened up many new opportunities for people to study, work and do business in other Member States.
213th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's correspondence session, the Government adopted its opinions on the proposal to call a consultative referendum on the provision of a stable supply of low-carbon electricity and the proposed recommendation that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia ensure the transparent functioning of institutions and the preservation of Slovenia's sovereignty, and took its position on the Fiscal Council's assessment of budget documents.
100th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's meeting, the Government adopted a draft amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act, which implements three decisions of the Constitutional Court, raises the standard of demonstrating proof and shortens the time limit for obtaining information. It also issued a Decree on the method of determining the conditions and criteria for allocating investment incentives and conditions for strategic investment.
99th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted, among other things, a report on the implementation of the Capital Market Development Strategy and amendments to the Decree on the measures of agri-environment-climate payments, organic farming, and payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints laid down in the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2014–2020.
98th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government adopted a proposal for a new Lipica Stud Farm Act, setting the conditions for the Stud Farm's development and more efficient management, as well as the preservation of cultural heritage and its economic development. The Government also issued several Decrees concerning agriculture, which grant some of the requests from the recent protests. The Government decided to extend the mediation with the Fides trade union for one week.
97th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today's session, the Government approved proposals for new amendments to the Compulsory Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance Act and to the Market in Financial Instruments Act. It also adopted the Immigration Strategy, a draft Resolution on the long-term peaceful use of nuclear energy in Slovenia, and the Decree on detailed spatial planning rules for siting photovoltaic installations and solar collectors.
Government decisions from government committee meetings
The Government has adopted a decision on increasing the earmarked assets and capital of the Slovenian Regional Development Fund for soft lending to small and medium-sized enterprises, adopted an opinion on a draft amendment to the Pension and Disability Insurance Act, included two new projects in the current Development Programme Plan 2024–2027, and adopted several decisions on the reallocation of state budget funds.
96th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At the 96th regular meeting, the Government adopted a draft amendment to the Medical Services Act and the starting points for the development of normative solutions to the right to be forgotten. It also issued a Decree amending the Decree on administrative operations and a Decree on the one-off compensation to municipalities to promote the deployment of wind power generation installations.