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  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: We will do everything we can to maintain the European recovery and resilience agreement

    The Slovenian Parliament today discussed the draft amending the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2021 and the amended draft of the budget for 2022. The RS Government submitted the drafts to the Slovenian Parliament for discussion. The introductory clarification of both drafts was presented at the Slovenian Parliament session by Prime Minister Janez Janša.

  • The government has extended the state of epidemic by another 30 days

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government declared that the state of epidemic with regard to COVID-19 would be extended for another 30 days for the entire country.

  • Deana Potza: Adults are expected to behave responsibly. Set an example

    Deana Potza from the health inspectorate opened the morning press conference about the current Covid-19 situation by saying that on the first day that the ordinance banning gatherings was in force, Friday, 13 November, only warnings were issued. There were at least 1,814 reports of breaches between 1 September and 8 November of this year, the highest number relating to the hospitality industry, followed by public spaces. She said that observation of the measures has been continually improving, as we head in the right direction as a society. This will help us get through the current challenging phase of the epidemic as quickly as possible, while allowing the health sector to operate at capacity.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša took questions from deputies

    Today Prime Minister Janez Janša took questions from deputies in the National Assembly. Marjan Šarec from the List of Marjan Šarec (LMŠ) raised a question related to current developments in the country, Franc Trček from the Social Democrats (SD) a question associated with the fight against the epidemic, Luka Mesec from the Left with regard to the measures to control the epidemic and Janja Sluga from the Modern Centre Party (SMC) a question regarding the regulation of comprehensive use of cannabis.

  • Tougher measures to improve the epidemiological situation

    Government spokesman Jelko Kacin started the press conference with an overview of the current epidemiological situation. Yesterday, 1,792 tests were conducted and 501 infections (27.9%) were confirmed, with most new infections recorded in Kočevje (44), followed by Ljubljana (39). On Saturday, 920 cases (25. 82%) were confirmed with 3,563 tests performed. On Sunday, 34 people died.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša visits Jesenice General Hospital

    Prime Minister Janez Janša visited the Jesenice General Hospital today, where he met the hospital’s director Marko Toplak and management staff, and viewed construction works in progress at the hospital.

  • The first manufacturer will receive a vaccine manufacturing authorisation at the end of November

    Doroteja Novak Gosarič, Secretary from the Health Care Directorate at the Ministry of Health, spoke about the current situation regarding Covid-19 disease.

  • Government adopts new measures to improve the epidemiological situation in the country

    In order to improve the epidemiological situation in the country, the Government extended the existing measures for 14 days and adopted some new ones.

  • Government helping farmers with emergency measures to soften the impact of the second wave of the epidemic

    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Jože Podgoršek has outlined measures to soften the impact and eliminate the consequences of Covid-19 in the Sixth Coronavirus Package (PKP6).

  • ACP6 measures relating to work, family and social affairs

    The Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj, presented the measures to mitigate and remedy COVID-19 consequences, as part of the sixth anti-coronavirus package (ACP6). In addition, he spoke about the situation in care homes and the measures adopted by the ministry to contain the spread of the virus.

  • Anti-Coronavirus Package 6 estimated at 1 billion euros in relief for businesses and individuals

    Slovenian Minister of Finance Andrej Šircelj, Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek, Medical Director of the Murska Sobota General Hospital Daniel Grabar and government spokesman Jelko Kacin spoke today at a press conference about the current situation regarding COVID-19.

  • The importance of two-way communication

    Two of the speakers at the afternoon press conference on the current COVID-19 situation were Maja Kalin, the president of the Slovenian High-school Student Organization (DOS), and Robert Masten from the Psychology department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.

  • The peak in the number of hospitalised patients will be reached this weekend

    Robert Carotta, Coordinator for COVID-19 hospital beds at the Ministry of Health; Primož Horvat, Head of the COVID-19 Department at Ptuj General Hospital; and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin attended the press conference on the current situation regarding COVID-19.

  • Poklukar: The de-escalation of the situation in hospitals should be the criterion to start easing the measures

    General Manager of Ljubljana University Medical Centre Janez Poklukar and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin spoke about the current situation regarding the COVID-19 epidemic.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: At a time of fear and threats, the decision taken in Poljče was a courageous one

    Today, in the Grand Hall of the Presidential Palace in Ljubljana, Prime Minister Janez Janša attended the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the decision taken by Demos to call for a plebiscite on the independence of the Republic of Slovenia. On 9 and 10 November 1990, a meeting was held in Poljče, where members of the Demos coalition adopted a decision to call for a plebiscite on the independence of the Republic of Slovenia. Based on the decision taken at the meeting in Poljče, the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Plebiscite on the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Slovenia Act on 6 December 1990, which determined that the plebiscite would be held on Sunday, 23 December 1990.

    On this occasion, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, addressed the public.

    The following address is unauthorised.

  • 119th Government correspondence session

    The Slovenian Government took note of the assessment carried out by the expert group for the containment and control of the COVID-19 epidemic at the Ministry of Health as regards the expert justification of measures for the containment and control of COVID-19, and decided to extend the measures and restrictions under the ordinances.

  • Schools start distance learning next week and some services resume

    The press conference on the current COVID-19 situation was attended by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Simona Kustec, the Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Ajda Cuderman, and the Government's spokesperson, Jelko Kacin.

  • Prime Minister Janez Janša: We need a clear majority in favour of reason and solidarity

    Address to the nation by Janez Janša, Slovenian Prime Minister

  • Sympathy and understanding for people requiring help are important

    Psychologist Eva Kovač spoke at the press conference about distress during this time of epidemic.

  • Superspreaders, a yet uncontrolled, but key factor in the spread of the epidemic

    Dr Matjaž Vogrin, Medical Director of Maribor University Medical Centre, Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, epidemiologist from Kranj Regional Unit of the National Institute of Public Health, and Government spokesperson Jelko Kacin attended the press conference on the current COVID-19 situation.