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  • The goal is a transparent, simple and balanced tax system

    The Ministry of Finance has conducted an analysis and completed the groundwork for tax system reorganisation in order to make it more transparent, simple and balanced. We also wish to raise awareness about the need for a new social consensus regarding the reform package and the level of prosperity we are aiming for.

  • Amending the law to accelerate the employment of foreigners

    At today's correspondence session, the Government adopted a bill on amendments to the Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act and will send it to the National Assembly for consideration under fast-track procedure.

  • Ambassador Barbara Sušnik presents her credentials to the president of Cape Verde

    On 2 March 2023 Ambassador Barbara Sušnik presented her credentials to the to the president of Cape Verde.

  • Amendment to the Foreigners Act allows for faster issuance of residence permits.

    We remove administrative obstacles and speed up the procedures for issuing and serving residence permits and registration certificates. We reintroduce access to Slovenian language courses for all categories of foreigners.

  • Termination of simplified procedure for non-commercial movements of pets due to the exceptional situation in Ukraine

    As of 1 March 2023, the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (AFSVSPP) will no longer allow the entry of pet animals from Ukraine under the simplified procedure, based on Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 576/2013 on non-commercial movements of pets.

  • Minister Fajon at the Raisina Dialogue conference on the future role of the UN and women's empowerment

    Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon participated in panels on solutions for an increasingly divided world and the future role of the United Nations (UN) at the Raisina Dialogue international conference in New Delhi. On the sidelines of the event, she met the Foreign Ministers of India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, South Africa and Sri Lanka.

  • State Secretary Štucin meets Austrian Secretary General for Foreign Affairs Launsky-Tieffenthal

    State Secretary Marko Štucin met with Secretary General at the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Dr Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, in Bled today. They discussed current bilateral and European topics. In particular, they underlined the importance of the enlargement process to the Western Balkans and agreed that the region should remain a geostrategic priority for the EU.

  • State Secretary Štucin and Vice-President of the European Commission Jourova discuss the rule of law

    State Secretary Marko Štucin held talks with Vice-President of the European Commission Věra Jourová during her visit to Slovenia. They discussed the rule of law and other institutional matters within her remit. State Secretary Štucin also presented Slovenia's plans for hosting the international MLA diplomatic conference in Ljubljana in May 2023.

  • Minister Asta Vrečko hosts a working meeting with Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission

    The Minister of Culture, Asta Vrečko, hosted a working meeting with Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission. Their talks focused on the European Media Freedom Act, the situation at the Slovenian Press Agency and Radio-Television Slovenia, hate speech, and strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs).

  • Settlement of the Tender Offer and New Issue executed on 21 February 2023

    Today, on 28 February 2023, the settlement of the liability management transaction, executed on 21 February 2023, took place which consisted of an additional issue of RS85 bonds in the value of EUR 200 million and buying back of RS83 and RS66 bonds.

  • Minister Fajon: "Peace can only be achieved through respect for human rights"

    At the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon stressed that Slovenia will always stand for respect for international law, human rights, multilateralism and solidarity. She also participated in the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, where she announced Slovenia's humanitarian contribution of EUR 300,000.

  • Address by Minister Marjan Šarec: Ceremony in support of Ukraine on the first anniversary of the war

    Today, Minister Marjan Šarec and State Secretary Dr Damir Črnčec attended a ceremony at Congress Square in support of Ukraine on the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine.

  • An event in support of Ukraine and in memory of the victims of Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine

    The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs organised an event in support of Ukraine and in memory of the victims of Russia's brutal aggression. Acting Secretary-General Renata Cvelbar Bek addressed the Diplomatic Corps and the Ministry's staff on behalf of Minister Tanja Fajon, who is attending the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly. Andrii Taran, Ambassador of Ukraine to Slovenia, also addressed the participants. The speeches and a minute's silence for the victims of the aggression against Ukraine were followed by the raising of the Ukrainian flag.

  • Joint statement by 10 Women Foreign Ministers on the women and girls rights in Afghanistan and Iran

    On the margins of the 59th Munich Security Conference, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon, as a member of the Informal Group of Women Foreign Ministers, attended a meeting hosted by German and Canada Foreign Ministers. At the meeting, 10 ministers adopted and signed a joint statement on women and girls rights in Afghanistan and Iran.

  • Minister Asta Vrečko on a working visit to Berlin

    On 13 and 14 February 2023, the Minister of Culture, Asta Vrečko, was on a working visit to Berlin. During her visit, she met with the Minister of State for Culture and Media of the Federal Republic of Germany, Claudia Roth, attended a concert by the Slovenian Vocal Group Gallina featuring Aldo Kumar to celebrate the Slovenian cultural holiday, visited the Museum Europäischer Kulturen and the Aedes Architekturforum gallery, and met with Slovenian artists living in Berlin.

  • Minister Mesec talks to trade union on ending outsourcing

    Today, Minister Luka Mesec, together with State Secretary Dan Juvan, members of the Minister’s Office and the leadership of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, met with representatives of the Trade Union for Catering and Tourism Industry Employees of Slovenia regarding the outsourcing of chambermaids at Sava Turizem.

  • Minister Šarec at the NATO Defence Ministers' Meeting

    Slovenian Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec attended the two-day NATO Defence Ministers' Meeting in Brussels. The discussions focused on the war in Ukraine, strengthening the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture, and the upgrading of the commitment on defence spending to be adopted at the NATO Summit in Vilnius in July.

  • EUR 634.4 million for economic development, tourism and sport this year

    This year, the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, together with the implementing organisations and SID Bank, will offer over EUR 634.4 million in new financial incentives to the economy, tourism and sport, of which EUR 304.9 million will come from its own resources. With the planned investment of development funds, the Ministry continues to strengthen the competitiveness and added value of the Slovenian economy.

  • Slovenian and Austrian Defence Ministers confirm excellent defence and military cooperation

    At the invitation of the Minister of Defence, Marjan Šarec, the Federal Minister of Defence of the Republic of Austria, Klaudia Tanner, and her delegation paid a one-day official visit to Slovenia. The two ministers advocated further strengthening of good cooperation between the two countries in the defence and military fields, and in the management of natural and other disasters.

  • State Secretary Buzeti at the conference on regional food security in times of crisis

    State Secretary Tatjana Buzeti attended the two-day Balkan Conference on Regional Food Security in Times of Crisis in Bulgaria. The aim of the conference was to improve cooperation in the fields of agriculture and rural development.