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  • 7 April is the day of the Slovenian flag

    The national flag became established as a symbol of Slovenian identity back in the 19th century. The Slovenians determined the colours (white, blue and red) based on those featured in the coat of arms of the province of Carniola, and submitted them for the approval of the then ruling Austrian administration in Vienna, where the colours were accepted. The first national flag was hung by Slovenian students in Vienna in March 1848 during a period of revolutionary tumult.

  • The Slovenian anthem emphasises ties and friendship among nations

    The last days of March 2021 mark the 31th anniversary since the then Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the National Anthem Act. The seventh stanza of Zdravljica (A Toast), by France Prešeren, set to a piece of music of the same name composed by Stanko Premrl, became the Slovenian national anthem. The journey to the final decision was long. According to historian Božo Repe, Zdravljica is one of the few non-militant anthems.

  • Alpina’s I feel Slovenia hiking boot

    Slovenians love to be active. Exercise fills us with vigour and we thoroughly enjoy all kinds of outdoor sports activities. We like to spend our free time actively and hiking has traditionally been one of our favourite pastimes.

  • 2. 3. 1991: Slovenians abroad and around the world in concern for Slovenia

    Slovenia is paving two paths: an external one toward state independence and autonomy, and an internal one toward economic recovery and democracy. Both are very demanding, the second even more than the first, according to Naša luč, a monthly journal for Slovenians around the world.

  • 1. 3. 1991: Franco Juri against the transfer of conscripts to the Slovenian Territorial Defence

    On 1 March 1991, the Constitutional Commission of the Slovenian Assembly supported a proposal for the military training of Slovenian conscripts in the Slovenian Territorial Defence and the police. But support was not unanimous.

  • 28. 2. 1991: Prepared defence and protection act proposal to ensure a plebiscite decision

    With an act proposal, the government enabled a gradual transition to a new defence system and ensured the protection of Slovenian sovereignty. Ministers Rupel, Mencinger, Stanič and Puhar explained the decisions and presented assessments of the current situation in the country. The resignation of the rector of the University of Maribor, Dr Alojz Križman, and a view on the introduction of religious instruction in schools presented by the chairman of the Justice and Peace Commission, Dr Anton Stres, attracted much public attention.

  • 27. 2. 1991: The persistently looming red star

    Wednesday, 27 February 1991, was a lively day. On the world stage, the cessation of the fighting in the Iraqi Gulf resonated the most, while the main "star" in Slovenia was the denationalisation act proposal.

  • 26. 2. 1991: A hopeless search for the Yugoslav modus vivendi

    On this day, various attempts to peacefully resolve the Yugoslav conflict and maintain a loose Yugoslav federation were made. Some Slovenian politicians warned of international isolation upon separation from Yugoslavia and hampered the remedy of some past injustices. The Slovenian national minority in Austria aimed for Slovenia's international recognition.

  • Video

    Alenka Gotar: »The lifelong dream of our ancestors came true«

    Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Slovenia’s independence, we asked famous Slovenians what this anniversary means to them, whether they might remember certain events from that time – provided they were alive back then – whether their parents told stories of that period, and what an independent Slovenia means to them.

  • Port of Koper as a green point of entry into the heart of Europe

    As the only Slovenian international cargo port, Luka Koper (Port of Koper) is of key strategic importance for Slovenia. It stands as the closest connection between Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Due to its importance and, above all, its sustainable development, Luka Koper was awarded the honorary title of Ambassador of the Slovenian Economy by the public agency Spirit Slovenia.

  • Video

    Interview: Zoran Dernovšek - Raketka: »The time when we gained independence was a time of exhilaration, motivation and enthusiasm«

    On 27 June 1991, Zoran Dernovšek, member of the Territorial Defence of the Republic of Slovenia and a skilful operator of the Strela 2M anti-aircraft missile system, shot down the first enemy helicopter during the conflict in former Yugoslavia. Thirty years later, he remembers that fateful day when he shot down the Yugoslav People's Army helicopter. It was undoubtedly one of the most important events of that time, and was crucial to Slovenia gaining independence.

  • Elan showcased the first fully functional folding all-mountain carving skis in the world

    At an online event on 1 February, the Elan company of Begunje showcased its new innovative product: Elan Voyager, the first fully functional folding all-mountain carving skis in the world. Elan is certain that this is a global innovation. These new skis, which facilitate user access to the slopes, will also change the future of skiing.

  • 16. 2. 1991: Ciril Ribičič on the red star and reservations about the dissolution of Yugoslavia

    The main topics at the consultation session of the delegate club of the Party of Democratic Reform were the resolution on dissolution and a new Slovenian flag without the red star. Former owners of the property expropriated after the Second World War were concerned about the restriction of ownership rights.

  • 15. 2. 1991: Two thirds of respondents have faith in an independent Slovenia

    The results of Delo Stik’s telephone survey of 731 randomly selected telephone subscribers were presented on Friday, 15 February 1991. More than half of the respondents replied that Slovenia should speed up the independence process and become independent before the official expiry of the six-month deadline set at the plebiscite.

  • Video

    Interview: Aleš Hojs: »We were determined to get our own country«

    »We were the first generation to go to the army after secondary school, we went to university only after completing our military service,« recalls the current Minister of the Interior, Aleš Hojs, who was drafted into the Territorial Defence several times during his studies to participate in military exercises. He was drafted during the war for Slovenia, but as he points out, he more or less spent it waiting and did not take up arms, as there were not enough weapons because Slovenia had been disarmed. »It was then that we actually experienced how the whole nation, both those who were under arms and those who were not, stood up to get their own country,« he added.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new reality

    One important topic related to this is digitalisation. This in turn has brought many new challenges, and at the given moment we are faced with both its advantages and disadvantages.

  • 1991 Prešeren Award Winners

    Composer Jakob Jež, painter Zoran Mušič and author Marjan Rožanc are the artists who received the 1991 Prešeren Award for lifetime achievement.

  • Drago Jančar – a European storyteller in the Slovenian language

    Writer, playwright and essayist Drago Jančar is the most translated and awarded Slovenian author. Four Kresnik Awards for his novels, the Prešeren Prize for his oeuvre, the Herder Prize and the Austrian State Prize for European Literature are only some of the accolades he has earned. He draws inspiration from history and life in all its nuances. His books remind us of what happens when a national border turns into a frontline overnight.

  • 27. 1. 1991: Between a relaxation of tensions at home and a deteriorating situation in the Middle East

    The developments in Yugoslavia on Sunday, 27 January, were primarily marked by the consequences of the decisions reached at the Friday and Saturday sessions of the Presidency of the SFRY. This at least temporarily removed the threat of an armed conflict starting in Yugoslavia. In addition, Kiro Gligorov became the first democratically elected president of Macedonia on that day. In the international arena, public attention around the globe continued to be focused primarily on the deteriorating situation in the Middle East.

  • 20. 1. 1991: Slovenian-Croatian defence agreement

    On 20 January 1991, Slovenian Defence Minister Janez Janša and Igor Bavčar, Minister of the Interior, met their Croatian counterparts, Martin Špegelj and Josip Boljkovac, in Zagreb to conclude a mutual defence assistance agreement.