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  • Meeting with EUIPO Executive Director Negrão to discuss Strategic Plan 2030

    Today, Minister Han met with the Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), João Negrão. They discussed the cooperation of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office with the EUIPO and the preparation of the EUIPO Strategic Plan 2030.

  • Constructive meeting with representatives of trade unions, employers and Government

    Prime Minister Robert Golob has today convened a meeting with representatives of the trade unions, employers and the Government who participate in the Economic and Social Council (ESC).

  • Minister Fajon calls for more action by European diplomats on the Middle East conflict

    At the regular monthly meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon made a strong plea for continued support for Ukraine and for European diplomats to do more to resolve the conflict in the Middle East.

  • Minister Šarec attends EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in the format of foreign and defence ministers

    Minister of Defence Marjan Šarec attended an EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg in the format of a joint session gathering foreign and defence ministers. The topic of the meeting was the acceleration and reinforcement of military assistance to Ukraine and the strengthening of its preparedness and resilience.

  • China visit concludes with discussions on climate crisis

    The visit of Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon to China concluded with a round table discussion in Beijing, jointly organised by the Bled Strategic Forum and the Chinese think tank, Center for China & Globalization. During the discussion, the participants agreed that effective multilateralism and respect for international law are key to successfully tackling the challenges posed by climate change.

  • State Secretary Štucin in Athens for political consultations and discussions on the Western Balkans

    State Secretary Marko Štucin held political consultations in Athens at the invitation of the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Alexandra Papadopoulou. The two officials also participated as speakers at an event on the Western Balkans, co-organised by the Bled Strategic Forum and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), which was attended by more than 130 participants.

  • Statement by the Government Communication Office regarding the claims of the Russian Ministry of Defence

    The Russian Defence Ministry claims, in a statement posted on Telegram, that there are five Slovenians among foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine.

  • Minister Han and Irish Minister for Enterprise Richmond discuss strengthening economic cooperation

    Minister Matjaž Han met Neale Richmond, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment of the Republic of Ireland, in Ljubljana. The two ministers discussed bilateral cooperation between the two countries and topical European issues in the areas of competitiveness, the future of European industry and the EU internal market.

  • European Commission announces withdrawal of proposal for regulation on sustainable use of plant protection products

    The European Commission announced its withdrawal of a proposal for a regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products by 31 March 2024. Slovenia supported the proposal in principle, but repeatedly pointed out certain problematic issues during the discussion, in particular the inadequate consideration of the specificities of individual Member States.

  • Third viaduct on the second track route finished

    The construction of the Vinjan viaduct, which is the third and also the last viaduct on the route of the second railway track between Koper and Divača, has been completed. Prime Minister Robert Golob and Minister of Infrastructure Alenka Bratušek attended the ceremony. They both gave assurances that another track would be built next to the second track.

  • At ICJ, Slovenia stresses the right of Palestinians to self-determination

    Slovenia presented its intervention at the International Court of Justice in The Hague in the context of the request for advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, initiated by the UN General Assembly in December 2022. Slovenia’s main arguments are the right of Palestinians to self-determination and the obligations of Israel as an occupying force.

  • Government grants financial support to UNRWA

    At today's regular session, the Slovenian Government adopted a decision on a financial contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the amount of EUR 500,000.

  • The solution is a comprehensive overhaul of the salary system and an agreement at the negotiating table

    On Monday, 8 January 2024, the Government appointed the Government negotiation team for the negotiation of the strike demands of the Union of Doctors and Dentists of Slovenia – Fides, and today invited it to start negotiations on a solution to the strike demands.

  • Slovenia is a major player in the European Green Transition

    The European Commission has announced the New European Bauhaus Academy (NEBA), a pan-European consortium led by the University of Primorska and based at InnoRenew CoE, as the winner of the call for proposals for the establishment of a New European Bauhaus (NEB) Academy.

  • Slovenian and French Ministers confirm excellent cooperation with signing of 2024–2027 agreement

    During her visit to Paris, Minister Tanja Fajon and Catherine Colonna, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries and concluded a new Strategic Partnership Action Plan. Minister Fajon stressed that Slovenia will strive to overcome differences in the UN Security Council and actively seek opportunities to promote its priorities.

  • The Republic of Slovenia: EUR 1.5bn 3.000% long 10-year notes

    On Wednesday, 3 January 2024, the Republic of Slovenia, rated A3 (stable) / AA- (stable) / A (stable), successfully accessed the international capital markets with a EUR 1.5bn long 10-year Reg S issuance due 10 March 2034. This transaction marks the first sovereign EUR-denominated transaction of 2024 benefitting from start of year investor liquidity.

  • The Republic of Slovenia - EUR 10-year mandate

    The Republic of Slovenia - EUR 10-year mandate

  • Slovenian diplomats to remain professional, active and highly motivated

    The traditional Consultation of Slovenian Diplomats in Brdo pri Kranju is taking place against the background of Slovenia's preparations for membership of the United Nations Security Council. The diplomats discussed current foreign policy issues, focusing on support for Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East. The participants in the event, chaired by Minister Tanja Fajon, were addressed by the country's highest representatives.

  • Internal border checks extended until June 2024

    The temporary border controls on Slovenia’s internal borders with Croatia and Hungary will continue for another six months, from 22 December 2023 until 22 June 2024. The internal border checks are being extended under Article 25 of the Schengen Borders Code.

  • Minister Fajon: In 2023, Slovenian diplomats have shown the right attitude and ability

    Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon opened the 27th Consultation of Slovenian Diplomats at Brdo pri Kranju. In her address, she presented some reflections on the year that is coming to an end and spoke about the challenges ahead. She went on to express her sincere appreciation to the Slovenian diplomatic corps for its contribution to the strengthening of the Slovenian diplomatic service and Slovenia's role in the changed geopolitical reality.