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  • Prime Minister Dr Golob in Carinthia: We have not and will not forget the people

    Today, Prime Minister Dr Robert Golob attended a ceremony marking the emergency completion of a water pipeline in Prevalje, visited the flood recovery works area along the Meža River in the Dobrije residential area in Ravne na Koroškem, and attended a celebratory meeting of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Črna na Koroškem.

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    Reimbursement of intervention costs amounting to EUR 73 million

    At a press conference, the Director of the Slovenian Protection and Rescue Administration, Leon Behin, presented the progress of the reimbursement of intervention costs to local communities and to protection and rescue personnel incurred during the August floods and landslides during the period of the activated National Plan, i.e. between 4 and 31 August.

  • More than half a billion euro to help people, businesses and municipalities to recover from floods

    It has been two months since the catastrophic floods that took place on 4 August. Floods and landslides affected 183 of Slovenia's 212 municipalities, with 104 municipalities severely impacted. The total area affected is estimated at 17,203 square kilometres. To date, the Slovenian Government has provided EUR 515.9 million to help people, municipalities and the economy.

  • Minister Jevšek: Total flood damage assessment covers direct damage and recovery

    The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has taken note of the assessment of direct damage following the natural disaster that struck Slovenia on 4 August 2023. The assessment covers all aspects of the natural disaster, from the replacement of buildings, the rehabilitation of watercourses, the restoration of infrastructure, the protection and restoration of cultural heritage sites, and waste disposal and management.

  • €31.77 million in advance payments of damage compensation paid to 708 businesses

    The Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport paid €31.77 million in advance payments to compensate for damage to the economy caused by August’s floods and landslides. Advances were made to all eligible businesses that submitted a damage assessment to the Ministry by 1 September, requesting an advance payment of 10% of the estimated damage.

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    73th regular session: Government approves budget package for 2024 and 2025

    The Government has approved the budget package for 2024 and 2025. The priority for the next two years is to finance measures to deal with the consequences of this year's floods. The draft budgetary amendment for 2024 foresees €14 billion in revenue and €16.2 billion in expenditure, and for 2025 €14.56 billion in revenue and €15.82 billion in expenditure.

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    72nd Regular Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's session, the Government took note of information on the progress of the implementation of the Preliminary Programme for the repair of direct damage to property caused by the floods of 4 August 2023, the progress of activities to prepare the application to the EU Solidarity Fund, and the activities related to the determination and payment of intervention costs.

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    Those most at risk in floods to receive individual treatment; more help arriving on the ground

    Prime Minister Robert Golob and his ministers today visited Koroška, the region worst affected by the August floods, where they met with mayors, business representatives, entrepreneurs and others.

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    Prime Minister Golob: Increased resilience to natural disasters is the key objective of the reconstruction

    Today the Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Reconstruction met for its first meeting.

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    70th regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At its meeting today, the Government adopted the preliminary programmes for the repair of direct damage to property caused by the flooding on 4 August 2023, by the storm with flooding between 12 and 13 July 2023 and by the storm with flooding between 17 July and 3 August 2023.

  • Minister Šinko: “Considerable aid to the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector shall be required”

    At today’s Agriculture and Fisheries (Agri-Fish) Council meeting, the EU Ministers were familiarised with the damages suffered by the Slovenian agriculture, forestry and aquaculture in the aftermath of the recent floods and landslides. Ms Irena Šinko, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, told in presentation that immediately after the extreme weather events the Ministry commenced collecting data on the damages inflicted, and preparing emergency aid measures. “In agriculture, damages have been recorded on land, facilities, machinery, deficiencies in stock of feed and seed materials, and difficulties in raw milk delivery.”

  • Prime Minister Golob attends a charity football match at Stožice Stadium in Ljubljana

    Prime Minister Robert Golob attended a charity football match played by former football stars at Stožice Stadium on the initiative of UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin. The funds raised will be donated to those affected by the floods.

  • 130th correspondence session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government decided that intervention expenditure in the amount of EUR 94.9 million be reimbursed to 138 municipalities and up to EUR 11.4 million to protection and rescue forces. Intervention expenditure of up to EUR 2.5 million will be reimbursed to firefighting units. The Government earmarked EUR 31.7 million for the preliminary programme of eliminating the consequences of damage in the economy and EUR 47 million for measures on water infrastructure.

  • 69th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    The Government starts examining information on the preparation of the budgets of the Republic of Slovenia for 2024 and 2025. It gave its consent to the draft amendment of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, took note of the Autumn Forecast of Economic Trends 2023 and the information on the baselines for the preliminary programme for the repair of direct damage resulting from the August floods.

  • State Secretary Boštjan Šefic: Municipalities can suggest measures for reconstruction and development

    Today, on 12 September 2023, the State Secretary for the Coordination of Measures and Activities for Post-Flood Reconstruction, Boštjan Šefic, visited the Municipality of Litija and met with Mayor Franci Rokavec. The purpose of the working visit was to discuss the challenges and needs facing the municipality and residents living in the affected area, as well as further relief measures.

  • Prime Minister and the President of the Republic meet for a working lunch

    In the context of maintaining regular dialogue and good cooperation, Prime Minister Robert Golob and President of the Republic of Slovenia Nataša Pirc Musar met for a working lunch.

  • 68th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

    At today's meeting, the Government took note of information on the progress of activities to prepare an application for the EU Solidarity Fund, established the Government Office for Flood and Landslide Recovery and appointed the Director General of the Police.

  • Prime Minister Robert Golob: The number 114 is a synonym for help in the event of natural disasters

    Prime Minister Robert Golob visited the call centre for assistance to residents after the floods, which started its operation today.

  • Government sets up Call Centre for Reconstruction after the 2023 floods

    At today’s correspondence session, the Government decided to set up a call centre for reconstruction after the 2023 floods on the telephone number 114. It also appointed Maja Tomanič Vidovič as Director of the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship (hereinafter: the Slovene Enterprise Fund).

  • Prime Minister in the National Assembly: “Everyone affected by the floods has the right to assistance”

    “It is the enormous scale of the damage that requires us to tackle these floods and their consequences, not only with a new act, but with a completely renewed approach,” the Prime Minister explained in the National Assembly when discussing the draft act on intervention measures to address the consequences of floods and landslides.