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  • Slovenia joins the Peace Day Effort for Middle East Peace initiative

    Slovenia will take part in the Peace Day Effort initiative, which aims to deliver concrete actions to show Israelis and Palestinians the support they will receive once they reach a peace agreement. As a supporter of the initiative, Slovenia will participate in all three Working Groups, which will focus on security, on the economy and the environment, and on the human dimension.

  • Minister Fajon: "We must give people in the Middle East hope for peace"

    Minister Tanja Fajon participated in an informal videoconference of EU foreign ministers on the situation in Israel and in the region. She expressed her solidarity with Israel and sympathy for all civilian victims.

  • State Secretary Štiglic at the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council ministerial meeting

    State Secretary Sanja Štiglic participated in the 27th EU-GCC Joint Council and Ministerial meeting held in Muscat. During the gathering, Ministers and State Secretaries discussed the importance of and opportunities for enhanced cooperation between the EU and the strategically significant Gulf countries, as well as current foreign policy issues, with a specific focus on the situation in Israel and Gaza.

  • Slovenia doubles aid for Palestinian refugees in the Middle East this year

    The Slovenian Government adopted a decision at today's correspondence session to make an additional humanitarian contribution of EUR 150,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA).

  • Minister Logar visits Palestine

    Minister Anže Logar met with Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Riyad al-Maliki in Ramallah today. Their talks centred on bilateral cooperation, the situation in Palestine and current events in the region, the European Union's cooperation with Palestine and the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

  • Minister Logar attends extraordinary FAC meeting and calls for immediate cessation of violence in Israel and Palestine

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today attended an extraordinary videoconference of the EU Foreign Affairs Council. High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell convened the meeting to discuss the escalation of tensions in Gaza, Hamas rocket attacks on Israel and the growing number of civilian casualties. The EU foreign ministers also discussed potential EU assistance in defusing tensions.

  • Minister Logar at FAC videoconference on multilateralism and Palestine

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Anže Logar today attended a video conference of EU foreign affairs ministers. Two central themes dominated the discussions, multilateralism and the situation in Palestine. Regarding the former, they agreed that the Union has the political, economic and financial power to co-create an effective multilateral order, which provides the best framework for tackling modern global challenges.

  • Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on new Israeli plans

    Slovenia is deeply concerned about the Israeli plans to expand their settlements in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, and to develop the E1 area. If implemented, this decision would seriously damage the prospect of resolving the issue through negotiation and establishing the state of Palestine, and Jerusalem as the capital of both states.

  • Foreign Ministry’s statements on the Middle East peace process

    Slovenia remains committed to the activities aimed at achieving comprehensive, just and long-lasting peace in the Middle East, including the establishment of the State of Palestine and bearing in mind Israel’s security concerns.

  • Minister Cerar meets Foreign Minister Al-Malki to discuss Gaza situation

    Minister za zunanje zadeve dr. Miro Cerar se je danes sešel s palestinskim ministrom za zunanje zadeve in razseljene osebe dr. Riadom Malkijem, ki se v Ljubljani mudi na delovnem obisku. Reden dialog s palestinskimi sogovorniki je za Slovenijo dragocen za celovito razumevanje dogajanja v bližnjevzhodni regiji in razmer v Palestini.