Prime Minister
In focus
Prime Minister Golob at Golden Ambassador for Children with Cancer Award Ceremony
Prime Minister Robert Golob attended the Golden Ambassador for Children with Cancer Award ceremony, organised by the Zlata Pentljica Institute. The Golden Ambassador Award is a token of appreciation for individuals and organisations that contribute with their acts of kindness to the mission of helping children with cancer.
Prime Minister Golob: Slovenia stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people
Prime Minister Robert Golob today attended, via a web lnk, the "Defence and Security Strategy of Unity" Summit, convened by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the third anniversary of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.
Prime Minister Golob: "Europe's strength lies in its unity"
Prime Minister Robert Golob today took part in an informal meeting of a group of states organised by French President Emmanuel Macron.
About the Prime Minister
Dr Robert Golob entered politics on 24 January 2022 at the congress of the Green Actions Party (Stranka zelenih dejanj), where he became the party’s president. At the same congress, the party was renamed Freedom Movement (Gibanje Svoboda). In the 2022 elections, he was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly and the party won a record 34.45 % of the votes and 41 seats in the National Assembly.