Public Utilities Division
The Public Utilities Division performs tasks related to the financing of the obligatory public utility services in rail transport. Its tasks involve the drafting of contracts and reviewing the use of funds that the Republic of Slovenia provides for the provision of obligatory public utility services in rail transport.
The division also performs tasks related to the management of the public railway infrastructure and the fulfilment of other tasks of the infrastructure manager under the Railway Transport Act (hereinafter: ZZelP). The tasks involve the drafting of contracts, financing the fulfilment of the above-mentioned tasks and assessing the infrastructure manager in terms of concluding and financing contracts for the management of the public railway infrastructure and fulfilling other tasks of the infrastructure manager under Article 11b of the ZZelP.
The division verifies the implementation of the infrastructure manager’s procedures concerning compensation claims arising from the insurance of the public railway infrastructure, the implementation of the infrastructure manager’s procedures in the case of incidents with financial consequences for the public railway infrastructure and the implementation of the infrastructure manager’s procedures with financial consequences pursuant to the contracts financed from the budget. It is also responsible for the supervision of the use of funds relating to indent five of paragraph three of Article 11 of the ZZelP and of the limited access laid down in paragraph nine of Article 11c of the ZZelP.
On the basis of the transport development strategy in the Republic of Slovenia and the national programme, it participates in the drawing up of the proposal for the six-year plan of investment in the railway infrastructure, which is combined with investment plans related to other transport infrastructure, harmonised and submitted to the Government for adoption by the ministry every year as a single six-year operational plan together with a report on the realisation.
The Public Utilities Division also participates in the drafting of acts, implementing regulations and other acts within its field of work, works with international organisations, authorities, working bodies and project groups, and engages in other forms of participation