Luka Mesec

Author: Tamino Petelinšek / STA
Luka Mesec, the coordinator of the political party Levica (the Left), has been a deputy of the National Assembly since 2014. Born in Kranj, he grew up in Železniki, attended secondary school (gymnasium) in Škofja Loka and graduated in European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana. Before becoming a deputy for the first time at the age of 27, Mesec was the coordinator of the Workers and Punks University and director of the Institute for Labour Studies. He has been active in politics since his enrolment at the mentioned Faculty in 2007, which coincided with the global financial crash. During the crisis years, he was an activist in various initiatives against precarity, the deterioration of the welfare state, the undermining of workers’ rights, the inaccessibility of housing, and the lack of prospects for his generation. These topics are still at the core of his efforts aimed at improving the situation of workers, increasing salaries (including the minimum wage), abolishing precarity, resolving the housing crisis, and taking action against the climate crisis. In his eight years as a deputy, Mesec was a member of the Commission for Public Finance Control under the Finance Committee. During his first term, he was also a member of the Commission for Public Office and Elections, and leader of the Levica deputy group.