Representations Australia
Slovenian Representations
26 Akame Circuit
O'Malley ACT 2606, Canberra
Marko Ham
Honorary consuls
Honorary consular officers (in most cases foreign nationals) have no direct consular competences. They complement the Slovenian diplomatic network, but cannot replace it. Their role is limited to advising and offering useful information. They offer their services without remuneration, on their own and for their own account.
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide
Branwhite Street 19
5023 Findon, South Australia
Jadran Vatovec
Honorary Consul -
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Perth
5 Waite Place
WA 6015 City Beach
Marjana Kaker
Honorary Consul -
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Geelong
33 Vista Road
3220 Newton, Victoria
Dr Srechko Kontelj
Honorary Consul -
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Brisbane
School of Civil Engineering, Level 5, Building 49, The University of Queensland, St Lucia
PO Box 6402, Fairfield Gardens Post Office, Fairfield, QLD 4103
Dr Jurij Karlovsek
Honorary Consul
Foreign Representations
Gertrude Fröhlich Sandner Str. 2
1100 Vienna
Austria -
Consulate of Australia
Komenskega 12
1000 Ljubljana