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Webinar on how to preserve digital geospatial records - 23. 4. 2020

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Where CEF eArchiving
Webinar on how to preserve digital geospatial records on Thursday, April 23th, 2020.

Geospatial data and its role in organizations

The E-ARK3 Project is kindly inviting you to register for the webinar organized by the European Building Block eArchiving. The webinar will take place on Thursday, April 23th, 2020 at 10 AM. In the live webinar, followed by an interactive Q&A session, Gregor Završnik from Geodata will cover the following topics: introduction to geospatial data and its role in organizations, how can E-ARK Specifications for digital geospatial data records archiving help implement preservation of this type of record and strategies for implementing an accessible geospatial records archive.

You are kindly invited to register. The webinar is free of charge.