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Governance after shock

Where Club CD, Ljubljana
The Ministry of Public Administration is organizing a conference called the Governance after shock, as part of the annual OECD conference on innovation in the public sector Government after shock.
Valibo na konferenco Government after Shock, ki jo Ministrstvo za javno upravo skupaj s projektom organizira v Klubu Cankarjevega doma 17. novembra 2020. Konferenca bo del globalnega dogodka organiziranega s strani OECD Opsi.

Napovednik konference Government after shock | Author Ministrstvo za javno upravo

The conference will provide an open dialogue on COVID-19 management and work experience in public and private sectors, with the aim to identify the necessary systemic or practical changes to better address complex social, economic, climate and other challenges in the future. A dialogue will be organized at the highest level with the Minister of Public Administration, Mr. Boštjan Koritnik and high representatives of the economy.

Application form for the event

Starting point for the discussion will be two surveys conducted among civil servants in the state administration and the economy on the working experience during the COVID-19 crisis. Based on the responses what has worked well and what did not, concrete proposals for measures to improve the functioning of the state administration system, how to strengthen competencies and partnerships in both sectors, as well as how to create quality comprehensive solutions will be covered. The questionnaire for civil servants in the state administration will also be available to other countries, which will be able to conduct their own research and share their findings at the event.

The conference in Ljubljana will be one of more than 40 currently reported local events around the world, aimed at establishing a global dialogue on the necessary changes in the functioning of governments and public administration systems. By organizing the conference, Slovenia is once again on the map of countries that recognize innovation in the public sector as one of the key mechanisms for increasing labor productivity and successfully solving complex social challenges.

The conference will be attended by civil servants, including those from other countries, and representatives of the economy, who will have the opportunity to dynamically exchange views, proposals and share experiences on management and work during the COVID-19 crisis. The atmosphere of the event will be open, honest, collaborative and motivating. In cooperation with the AmCham Slovenia, we are continuing the multi-year partnership established within the Partnership for Change project, which will be held immediately after this event.

More about the OECD conference