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Green and Digital Archives in the European Union for Everyone

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Where On-line event
On Thursday, November 4, 2021, two online events will take place as part of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council. During our morning session, the 29th meeting of the European Archives Group will take place, followed in the afternoon by the 42nd meeting of the European Board of National Archivists titled Green and Digital Archives in the European Union for Everyone.

In the field of archives, Slovenian Presidency of the European Council will focus on green and digital archives for everyone

On Thursday, November 4, 2021, the focus of the events organized during the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council will be placed on archives, with the holding of two online events dedicated to current issues of European archives. Both meetings are for invited members only.

During morning session, a meeting of European Archives Group (EAG) will take place. EAG is an official representative body of archives at EU level and meets twice a year. EAG meeting is called and chaired by the European Commission. It's a well established system which deals with the most current topics related to archives in EU. Slovenia is (co)organizing the 29th meeting of EAG, which will look into the following topics:

  1.  »Archives by design« (Norway),
  2. »eArchiving Building Block” and results of the survey on the future of E-ARK3 project (European Commission and Slovenia),
  3. “European Digital Treasures” and the role of artificial intelligence (Hungary),
  4. Archiving of events related to COVID-19 (Denmark),
  5. EU Regulation eIDAS: electronic identification and connection to archival services (Slovenia).

The afternoon part of the programme will be an online meeting of the European Board of National Archivists (EBNA) titled Green and Digital Archives in the European Union for Everyone. 

EBNA is a meeting of directors of national archives of EU Member States. The 42nd meeting of EBNA will be organized by the Slovenian representative, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. At the meeting, Slovenia's most important current archival projects will be presented, along with demonstration of best practices about current international archival issues, such as e-archiving (the project of building Slovenian public e-archives, EU funded), GDPR implementation on a national level (with special focus on the role of archives in EU and Slovenia), reuse of public sector information in archives and other cultural institutions (presentation of Open Data Portal of Slovenia – OPSI), and demonstration of access to archival content for people with disabilities (as part of project). The meeting will be attended by representatives of 26 EU Member States, 4 EU candidate states and representatives of two interested states.

As part of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is also preparing two exhibitions:

  • Exhibition of the Historical Archives of the European Union in Florence titled »Europe and Europeans – 70th Anniversary of Schuman Declaration«. The exhibition was first held at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on Europe Day, May 9, 2021. Until the end of 2021, it will travel around Slovenia and will be held in 14 municipalities, in 2022 it will visit three more locations. On the website of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia you can also view the exhibition online. The mounting and printing of the exhibition was funded by the Commission Representation in Slovenia.   
  • Exhibition of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and the Diplomatic Archives in Paris on the topic of Illyrian Provinces. Prepared on the initiative of the French Institute in Ljubljana, the exhibition will include documents of both institutions. Also in the making is preparation of online exhibition, accompanied by online round table discussion. The exhibition will open at the end of December 2021 as an event that celebrates the transition of presidency from Slovenia to France.

AG/EBNA programme and summaries of the 42nd EBNA meeting