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Traditional Slovenian Grape Festival at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio

When to
Where SNPJ Farm, 10946 Heath Road, Kirtland, Ohio
Within the framework of the Slovenian Days in Cleveland 2022 we are inviting you to the Traditional Slovenian Grape Festival at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio.

Celebrate the harvest Old World-style at SNPJ Farm’s traditional Slovenian Grape Festival.

The polka parade starts the festivities with singers, musicians and Slovenian costumes at 2:45. The Joey Tomsick Orchestra follows the festivities with four hours of music.

 Free admission when you wear your Slovenian costume or bring your accordion. Participants need to arrive by 2:15 to prep for the parade. 18 and under free. Regular admission, $8.

 For more information, call 440-256-3423.