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Slovenian Development Days

When to
Where Ljubljana
Slovenian Development Days is the flagship event for raising public awareness of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. This year, the discussions will focus on climate change and its ensuing challenges in development cooperation. The 2019 Slovenian Development Days are organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

The main session will be held on Monday, 25 November, at the Central Post Office in Ljubljana. The session will begin at 9.00 with the opening addresses by: Dr Miro Cerar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Simon Zajc, Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, and Albin Keuc, Director of SLOGA NGO platform for development, global education and humanitarian aid.

The first roundtable ‘There is no Planet B: Youth and environment policy’ will feature discussions on how efforts to fight climate change are incorporated in Slovenia’s development cooperation and to what extent young people feel part of decision-making on policies and practices related to climate change. The second roundtable ‘Take, (re)use and (don’t) dispose: Development cooperation and the potentials of a circular economy’ will seek answers to the question of what stage of transition to a circular economy has been reached in Slovenia, Europe and the world at large. The participants will also explore how the circular economic model can be used to respond to the environmental, social and economic challenges of developing countries, and who is included in the transition to a circular economy and how.

On Tuesday, 26 November, at 16.30, the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana will host the lecture entitled ‘Rigor Mortis? The end of affirmative multilateralism’, and at 19.00, Kino Bežigrad will be the venue for the screening of the documentary Virunga, a unique combination of investigative journalism and nature documentary. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with Emmanuel de Merod, Director of Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (via video link from the DRC).

The programme on Wednesday, 27 November, at 16.30, will be dedicated to a public discussion on transboundary water resources and integrated water resource management, held at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Its purpose is to discuss why it is necessary to include integrated water resource management in the planned development cooperation projects. The discussion will also probe into the questions of what integrated approach to water management means in practice, what is its role in transboundary water resources and how it could be applied as a tool to decrease the risk of conflict.