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The 3rd International Conference, Ljubljana, November 7-8, 2018

As part of the ongoing project, the 3rd International Conference was held at Austria Trend Hotel in Ljubljana on November 7-8, 2018.

Slovenian public archives cooperating in the joint project of establishing the Slovenian public e-archives, held their THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at Austria Trend Hotel on November 7-8, 2018. Its slogan this year was again The past is just a click away! It hosted 26 lecturers, who discussed the challenges of e-archiving and presented examples of good practice from Slovenia and abroad, and by doing so strengthened the public’s trust in our e-solutions, which are sure to facilitate the future access to our common cultural heritage.

This year’s conference was all about openness and accessibility. We based it on the principle that individuality should not be something that prevents a person from getting to know his/her past or learn about the national cultural heritage preserved by the Slovenian public archives. It was the first Slovenian conference in the field of archival and information science partially adjusted for vulnerable groups and even translated into Slovenian sign language.

  UCC – Umbrella competence center (#coordination)
- dr. Tatjana HAJTNIK, head of Project: Elektronsko arhiviranje: ISO standardi kot odgovor na zakonska določila [e-Archiving: ISO Standards as the Answer to Legislation Provisions]
- Miran MORANO, TANGENS d.o.o.: Življenje s spremembami [Living with Changes]

  CC1 – Competence center 1 (#ingest)
• Aleksandra MRDAVŠIČ, Maja POVALEJ, dr. Jože ŠKOFLJANEC, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Gradniki sodelovanja javnih arhivov z ustvarjalci digitalnega arhivskega gradiva [Building Cooperation between Public Archives and Creators of Digital Archival Records]
- mag. Mateja OBLAK, KD, d.d.: Pripravljanje notranjih pravil [Preparation of Internal Rules]
- dr. Tatjana HAJTNIK, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Upravljanje s tveganji pri e-arhiviranju skladno s standardi ISO 18128, ISO 27001 in ISO 27005 [E-Archiving Risk Management in Accordance with ISO 18128, ISO 27001 and ISO 27005 Standards]
- Gregor ZAVRŠNIK, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Kako bomo pakirali digitalno arhivsko gradivo; predstavitev orodja Urejevalnik SIP 2.0 [Packing Digital Archival Records; Presentation of SIP Editor 2.0]
- Klavdija KRIVEC, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Bistvo je očem nevidno; kako pripraviti e-pošto za dolgoročno hrambo in morebitno izročitev v [What is Essential is Invisible to the Eye: Preparing e-Mail for Long-term Storage and Eventual Transfer to the Archives]

  CC2 – Competence center 2 (#storage)
- Tine ZAVRŠNIK, head of CC2, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Zagotavljamo varnost hranjenega e-arhivskega gradiva [Guaranteeing Safety of Kept e-AR]
- dr. Tatjana HAJTNIK, mag. Aida ŠKORO BABIĆ, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Splošni pregled uporabe umetne inteligence pri obravnavanju e-arhivskega gradiva [Artifi cial Intelligence Use in Managing e-AR - a General Overwiev]
- Andraž Bole, Lightmass: UI : [UI :]

  CC3 – Competence center 3 (#standardisation)
- dr. Miroslav NOVAK, head of CC3, Regional Archives in Maribor: Standardizacija arhivske stroke: vsi enaki, vsi enakopravni [Standardization of Archival Profession: All Equal and the Same]
- mag. Nina Gostenčnik, Regional Archives in Maribor: Signatura kot element identifikacije opisov arhivskega gradiva [Reference Code as an Identification Element]
- dr. Tanja MARTELANC, Pokrajinski arhiv v Novi Gorici: Naslov kot element opisa popisne enote arhivskega gradiva [Title as an Element of Description]
- dr. Zdenka SEMLIČ RAJH Regional Archives in Maribor: Datum kot element opisa popisne enote arhivskega gradiva [Time of Creation asan Element of Description]
- dr. Dejan ZADRAVEC, Zgodovinski arhiv na Ptuju: Nivo popisa kot element opisa popisne enote arhivskega gradiva [Description Level as an Element of Description]
- mag. Hedvika ZDOVC, Zgodovinski arhiv Celje: Količina kot element opisa popisne enote arhivskega gradiva [Quantity as an Element of Description]

 CC4 – Competence center 4 (#accessibility)
- dr. Tatjana HAJTNIK, head of CC4, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: e-Arhiv 4.0: Povečujemo dostopnost do arhivskega gradiva - naši dosedanji dosežki [e-Archives 4.0: Increasing Access to Archival Records - our Existing Accomplishments]
- dr. Jedert VODOPIVEC, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Bližnje srečanje srednjeveške listine s 3D tehnologijo [Medieval Charter Meets 3D Technology]
- dr. Žiga KONCILIJA, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Klik do elektronskega arhivskega gradiva - Kje trenutno smo in kaj nas v prihodnje čaka? [A Click to e-Archival Records – Current Situation and Future Plans]
- Mojca KOSI, Antun SMERDEL, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: »To so gadi« za vse! Prilagoditev filmskega arhivskega gradiva za ranljive skupine na primeru filma »To so gadi« [“To so gadi” for everybody! Adapting Film Archival Records for the Vulnerable Groups]

 CC5 – Competence center 5 (#digitisation)
- Aleš GROS, IBM Slovenia, d. o. o.: Moderen pogled na arhiviranje [Archiving - a Modern View]
- Vesna GOTOVINA, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Priprava kriterijev za izbor arhivskega gradiva za digitalizacijo po nekdanji SFRJ [Criteria for the Selection of Archival Records from the Former SFRY for Digitization]

  CC6 – Competence center 6 (#sound&image)
- Vladimir TOROV, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: Digitalni filmski arhiv: od analognega do digitalnega [Digital Film Archives: From Analogue to Digital]
- Špela GRČAR, Law Firm Grčar: Avtorskopravni izzivi digitalizacije avdiovizualnih gradiv [Copyright Challenges of Digitizing Audiovisual Material]

   CC7 – Competence center 7 (#networking)
- mag. Nina GOSTENČNIK, head of CC7, Regional Archives in Maribor: Projekt redefinicija vloge arhiva v družbi [Project Redefi ning the Role of Archives in the Society]
- Vladimir TOROV, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia: ABC po IBC2018 - novosti ter zanimivosti iz sveta AV [ABC after IBC2018 - Novelties from the AV World]
- dr. Miroslav NOVAK, Regional Archives in Maribor: Zagotavljanje kakovosti: sistem CAF [Quality Guarantee: the CAF System]