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Slovenia 6th in EU in use of eHealth services

Slovenia is in 16th place among the 28 EU member states in the EU's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), being above the average only in digital public services (14th). Slovenia performs particularly well in the access to open data and eHealth services, where it ranks sixth.

Slovenia performs particularly well in the access to open data and eHealth services. | Author suedhang-GettyImages/GulliverFilm&Foto

The European Commission has been monitoring the digital competitiveness of member states with DESI reports since 2015, enclosing every year to national reports a chapter with an in-depth review of telecommunications.

This year, Slovenia is 16th overall, standing in 14th place in terms of digital public services. It is also above the average in re-use of public sector data and eHealth, where it stands sixth in the EU.

Some 27% of Slovenians use healthcare services on-line, with the EU average standing at 18%, while 98% of Slovenian doctors use e-prescriptions, which puts Slovenia in third place among all member states and well above the EU average of 50%.

In terms of digital exchange of health information, Slovenia is in 16th place, with 27% of Slovenian doctors using this option, compared to the EU average of 43%.