40th ordinary session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
The Government confirms Janez Lenarčič as candidate for European commissioner from Slovenia
At today’s session, the Government decided to put forward Janez Lenarčič, Ambassador to the EU, as candidate for the European Commissioner from Slovenia. He is an experienced candidate with long-standing top references in international and European matters, who meets all the criteria required.
The Government will submit its proposal to the National Assembly, where the candidate will have to go through a hearing before the Committee on EU Affairs, whose opinion, however, is not binding on the Government. The Government will then send that proposal to Brussels, to Ursula von der Leyen, the new President of the European Commission, and if he is accepted on her team Janez Lenarčič will have to go through a hearing at the European Parliament.
The Government adopts a strategy with regard to migrations
The Government adopted at its session a strategy with regard to migrations, treating them in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner over the long term, putting emphasis on better understanding of all aspects of migrations and improving the measures for their management.
The strategy, based on inter-sectoral relations, treats migrations in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner over the long term, putting emphasis on better understanding of all aspects of migrations and improvement of measures for their management.
The strategy consists of six horizontal pillars, interconnected by specific aspects of migrations. These pillars include:
- The international aspect of migrations,
- Economic migrations as part of legal migrations,
- International protection,
- Integration,
- Illegal migrations and the return of migrants,
- A security component.
The strategy defines key Government objectives in migration management. These objectives include, inter alia:
- Addressing the causes of migrations,
- Encouraging the immigration of foreign workers,
- Facilitating rapid and effective procedures for determination of eligibility for international protection,
- Solidarity and burden-sharing amongst EU Member States in line with Slovenia’s reception and integration capacity,
- Ensuring synergistic effects among various players in integration policy design and implementation,
- Detection and prevention of illegal migrations both on the external and internal Schengen borders of the Republic of Slovenia.
The dedicated interdepartmental task force will monitor its implementation through persons responsible for specific pillars, coordinate the activities and regularly inform the Government of the situation.