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Government confirms Janez Lenarčič as candidate for European commissioner from Slovenia

At it’s session, the Government decided to put forward Janez Lenarčič, Ambassador to the EU, as candidate for the European Commissioner from Slovenia. He is an experienced candidate with long-standing top references in international and European matters, who meets all the criteria required.

Slovenia's Ambassador to the EU and its European commissioner nominee Janez Lenarčič | Author Thierry Monasse, STA

The Government will submit its proposal to the National Assembly, where the candidate will have to go through a hearing before the Committee on EU Affairs, whose opinion, however, is not binding on the Government. The Government will then send that proposal to Brussels, to Ursula von der Leyen, the new President of the European Commission, and if he is accepted on her team Janez Lenarčič will have to go through a hearing at the European Parliament.