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EU funding for support services provided by innovative environment entities

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
  • Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, issued a grant decision for the “Call for proposals for support services provided by innovative environment entities in the Republic of Slovenia in the period 2020-2022 (SIO 2020-2022)”. The call which makes a total of EUR 10.1 million available will receive European Regional Development Fund support in the amount of EUR 7.4 million. Cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija will receive support in the amount of over EUR 6 million and cohesion region Zahodna Slovenija will receive support in the amount of over EUR 4 million.

The aim of the call for proposals, which is to be published by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology on 2 August 2019, is to finance free of charge services offered to various target groups, including innovative potential entrepreneurs, new and existing innovative start-ups and fast-growing enterprises with global growth potential or the so-called scale-ups. In cooperation with innovative environment entities, such enterprises will be able to establish a well-balanced support for the start-up, growth and development of enterprises. Support to target groups will be provided in the form of promotion and motivation events, provision of information and counselling, theme workshops, assistance by experts and portfolio management.

For more information please refer to Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology.