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Approved EU funding for upgrading the Maribor-Šentilj-state border railway track

The European Commission informed the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy of the decision approving the major project for upgrading the existing line of the railway track Maribor-Šentilj-state border. The project worth over EUR 253 million will receive Cohesion Fund contribution in the amount of EUR 101 million. Minister responsible for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion Dr. Iztok Purič underlined that “the project is a major step forward in modernising the Slovenian railway network and therefore boosting Slovenia’s development. The project will also significantly improve the quality of life of local inhabitants.”

The project, which is being implemented since June 2018, will increase the daily capacity of the railway connection between Maribor and Šentilj from 67 to 84 trains, as well as increase railway capacity and safety by establishing non-level crossings of the road and the railway. The project also covers upgrading and newly constructing over 18 kilometres of the existing track with the aim of increasing axial and longitudinal load (from 20 to 22.5 tonnes per axle), construction of a new line in the length of 2.8 kilometres (new tunnel and new viaduct), upgrading of railway stations, reconstruction of the Šentilj tunnel, construction of a noise barrier in the length of 12.3 kilometres, upgrading of signalling-safety devices and establishing passive protection for 75 buildings.
The project for upgrading the existing track Maribor-Šentilj-state border is one of the so-called major projects approved directly by the European Commission. The application for approving the funding of the project under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014-2020 was submitted to the European Commission in December 2018.  
For more information please refer to Ministry of Infrastructure and the Slovenian Infrastructure Agency.