41st session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
At today’s session the Slovenian government adopted the text of the draft Act amending the Road Transport Act. The draft revision sets out the conditions for the introduction of a single ticket, free transport for students with disabilities, the inclusion of registered athletes in the ticket subsidy programme, the allocation of funds for the single ticket and various changes required in the process of granting concessions for the conducting of public transport.
The government received a report on the process of drafting and adopting the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The adoption of the plan is a priority, as it is a precondition for drawing cohesion funds under the new multiannual financial framework. Slovenia’s main objective is to provide a high quality of life for all residents by 2030. This can be achieved through balanced economic, social and environmental development which takes account of the planet’s limitations and creates conditions and opportunities for present and future generations.
The government issued the Decree on Outdoor Storage of Flammable Solid Waste. The Decree on Outdoor Storage of Flammable Solid Waste was designed primarily to prevent environmental pollution during the outdoor storage of flammable solid waste and during emergencies. It sets out requirements for storage facilities at which flammable solid waste (over 200 m3) is stored outdoors, the conditions for storage of such waste at such facilities, and fire protection measures.
The government adopted a decision to initiate a repatriation procedure from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for persons who meet the conditions under the Act Regulating Relations between the Republic of Slovenia and Slovenians Abroad.
On 14 February 2019 at the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government was briefed on the document “Information on Slovenia’s position with regard to conditions in Venezuela”. Venezuela is currently experiencing a severe economic and political crisis, and the situation with regard to human rights is worrisome.
On 11 April 2019 at the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government allocated EUR 50,000 in humanitarian aid to the population of Venezuela due to the deterioration of human rights in that country. Since Slovenians living there are being exposed to serious shortages, pressures and dangers, the conditions are present for the Republic of Slovenia to initiate repatriation procedures pursuant to the Act Regulating Relations between the Republic of Slovenia and Slovenians Abroad.
A precise estimate of the financial consequences will be possible only when the number of repatriated persons is known, whereby it will be necessary to take into consideration the type of accommodations provided and the particularities of the granting of cash assistance, which will affect the level of funds granted (depending e.g. on the number of family members, amount of property, savings, supplies provided, income levels, etc.). Applications for a total of 47 persons (and enquiries for a further 3 persons) had been received by 26 August 2019.