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Sinfo: In the company of the best

It has become a tradition for our September issue to draw attention to topics related to Slovenian literature and themes associated with the Bled Strategic Forum. These two areas are a platform for presenting Slovenia's art, cultural heritage, successful projects in science and business, tourism, cuisine, and more. When a successful project or an interesting person captures our attention, we always feel an urge to share the story with you.

In the latest Sinfo: Dream out loud | Author PeopleImages-GettyImages/GulliverFilm&Foto

As usual, you will find the main topics in Sinfo coupled with other interesting stories and attractions. The Pomurje region boasts the Expano exhibition pavilion, a successful project to promote the region. Soon there will be a film festival, the exhibition on Plečnik's Pavilion in Brioni has been concluded, and this issue also presents the Creative Forum, typical professions of the past related to Slovenian cultural heritage, and Jurij Souček, an actor whose remarkable voice and gift for narration enchanted children with a world of fairy tales.

Very importantly, the University of Ljubljana is also marking its centenary this year. More attention has been devoted to this topic because it tells a story that Slovenians can genuinely be proud of. Throughout its years of existence, the University of Ljubljana has been deeply marked by its Slovenian scholarship.

All the stories and challenges presented here prove that Slovenians always have been, are, and certainly will remain in the company of the best. Great things are done by people who think great thoughts and then go out into the world to make their dreams come true.