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Ministry of Public Administration receives representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from North Macedonia

The Ministry of Public Administration has today received representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from North Macedonia as part of their two day-visit to Slovenia.
Ministry of Public Administration hosted representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from North Macedonia, group photography

Ministry of Public Administration hosted representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations from North Macedonia, group photography | Author MJU

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The meeting aimed to present the achievements and challenges faced by Slovenia in the framework of the RIA.

The participants were initially welcomed by Head of the International Cooperation and Public Relations Service Breda Mulec. This was followed by presentations by Dr Janez Pošmovec (Government Office for Legislation), Peter Istenič (Ministry of Finance), Andraž Pernar and Slavko Patekar (Ministry of Public Administration) about the organisational and technical progress made towards better regulation.

The expert team of the Ministry of Public Administration also presented the OECD Report on regulatory policy in Slovenia and the related follow-up activities which are currently being pursued through the adopted action plan.

The delegation responded positively to the presentation of web portals that have been set up for the purpose of increasing  public involvement in the drafting of regulations, which in turn contributes to the formulation of better legislation (eDemocracy, the SME Test, STOP the Bureaucracy,