Representatives of the Ministry of Public Administration attend three conferences on e-government in Helsinki
On Monday, 21 October 2019, the European Commission held the SEMIC 2019 conference within the ISA Programme. This is an annual event on semantic interoperability, which is of key importance for the successful operation of the digital internal market. The event brought together approximately 200 participants from the public and private sectors, and from the academic and business spheres. This year's conference highlighted the importance of innovative technologies in providing cross-border e-services for citizens and businesses and the options for data exchange in such services. At the invitation of the European Commission, representative of the Ministry of Public Administration Alenka Žužek Nemec and Swedish representative Hans Ekstål from the Swedish Companies Registration Office presented the results of the TOOP project under Horizon 2020 for the cross-border information exchange according to the "once-only" principle in the provision of services related to the registration of cross-border operations.
The Digital Government Conference with the subtitle "Next steps for a human-centric digital government" was held on 22 October 2019 and brought together approximately 150 attendees from the public sector and the European Commission. The conference took place exactly two years after the adoption of the Tallinn Ministerial E-Government Declaration, which set the goals for 2022; therefore, the main focus was on the progress made and guidelines for the future. The conference was also an opportunity to draft proposals for the new structure of the European Commission. Polonca Blaznik, Director of the Information Society Office of the Information Society and Informatics Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration, participated as the representative of Slovenia in the panel on the significance of the new EU regulation on the establishment of a single digital gateway (SDG), i.e. the SDG Regulation, and the once-only principle in services for citizens and businesses. She highlighted that Slovenia has a well-developed system of register data and has successfully introduced platforms for gathering data in various registers. In order to implement the once-only principle under the SDG Regulation in a timely manner, cooperation among various stakeholders at the national and cross-border levels is needed.
On the third day, 23 October 2019, there was a meeting of EU Chief Information Officers who meet twice a year. Slovenia was represented by Anton Ujčič, Deputy Director-General of the Information Society and Informatics Directorate of the Ministry of Public Administration. The high representatives discussed the current steering policies and the importance of data for the functioning of public administration. The European Commission ambitiously pursues the goal of establishing the European Governmental Interoperability Platform (EGIP) and, at the meeting, it announced that in the next six months it will present specific concepts of this platform which would help Member States implement policies and regulations at the EU level. The attendees also undertook to produce, together with the European Commission, an overview of the implementation of EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services in the single internal market (the eIDAS Regulation) and identify the Regulation's deficiencies by June 2020.