Municipalities selected to receive a voucher in third call for proposals as part of the WiFi4EU initiative
The list of municipalities from EU Member States, Norway and Iceland that were successful in the third call for applications to receive a voucher for setting up Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces.
More than 11,000 eligible entities from across the EU, Norway and Iceland applied to the call.
Taking into account the available budget in this call, which was EUR 26.7 million, 1,780 municipalities were selected to receive a voucher to the value of EUR 15,000 each. Among the winning municipalities were 32 from Slovenia. One Slovenian municipality (Lukovica) was included in the reserve list of municipalities. These will receive a voucher if the Commission increases the funds available.
In the first WiFi4EU public call, 89 Slovenian municipalities were successful with their applications and 34 municipalities in the second call, which means that to date 155 municipalities, which is 73% of municipalities in Slovenia, were awarded vouchers to the value of EUR 15,000.
This means that within the WiFi4EU initiative, Slovenia successfully acquired EUR 2,325,000 from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to set up Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces.
The European Commission will continue to issue calls for proposals as part of the WiFi4EU initiative, to which any municipality that was not successful in the previous calls may apply. The Information Society Office of the Ministry of Public Administration will strive to make the share of successful municipalities as close to 100% as possible by the end of WiFi4EU initiative.