Slovenian model of introducing quality into public administration

An event within the international BACID programme intended to improve administrative capacities of the Western Balkan countries was held in Vienna | Author MJU
Slovenia was also invited to present its CAF implementation in public administration bodies. Loredana Leon and Barbara Zupanc presented the basic characteristics and specifics of the CAF implementation model established three years ago.
The participants were very interested in some new features introduced by the Ministry of Public Administration: how the annual cyclical model is implemented, why we decided to grant awards to various types of CAF model users every year, how successful were the pilot and the first regular CAF external feedback procedures, etc.
Portugal, Belgium, Austria, Poland and North Macedonia also presented their experiences. The event was concluded by a workshop on the basis of which key factors for a successful introduction of quality into a country's public administration were identified.
We are pleased to note that the Slovenian model of CAF implementation is recognised abroad as exemplary and innovative. At the event we also learned about some successful practices which could be partly applied in Slovenia.