International conference also addresses harmful interference of radio stations at Italian border
The Conference is taking place from 28 October to 22 November 2019. Slovenia is represented by a delegation headed by State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration Leon Behin. Attendees of the conference discuss solutions for providing access to faster and more affordable connections.
The Slovenian delegation advocated the need to address the problem of radio interference in areas bordering with Italy. At plenary meetings Slovenia highlighted the problem of FM frequency range, as none of the interferences in Slovenia have been eliminated. On the contrary, an increasing number of actions have been filed against Slovenia. Therefore, Slovenia expressed its expectation that the gradual transition to DAB+digital radio will be carried out in compliance with ITU agreements and regulations. The efforts at international and bilateral levels led to the solution to the problem of interference on the television part of the radio spectrum. Today, on the day before the last day of the Conference, Slovenia made a reservation in the event of non-compliance with the commitments set out in the adopted ITU documents. Original text of the reservation.
On the proposal of the European Commission, Slovenia decided to sign two declarations. The State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration, Leon Behin, signed a general declaration by which Slovenia undertakes in managing radiofrequency spectrum to comply with all adopted amendments to the Radio Regulations included in the Final Act of the Conference in accordance with the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and the declaration on Ukraine determining solutions regarding radio frequency spectrum in occupied areas.
At the final Conference event on Friday, 22 November 2019, Mr Behin will sign a special declaration, which will conclude the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019.
The World Radiocommunication Conferences are usually held every four years by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is a specialised agency of the United Nations with the status of an international organisation. It was established in 1865 in Paris. Slovenia became an ITU Member State in 1992. The ITU's tasks are to maintain and enforce international cooperation among ITU Member States with a view to improving and ensuring the efficient use of all types of telecommunication sources, to provide technical assistance to developing countries, to foster technical development and efficient use of equipment, to improve the performance of telecommunication services, and to coordinate Member States' efforts in pursuing these goals.