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The 4th International Conference, Ljubljana, November 20-21, 2019

As part of the ongoing project, the 4th International Conference was held at Austria Trend Hotel in Ljubljana on November 20-21, 2019.
Visitors of the conference sitting in the conference hall.

The fourth international conference of the project in Ljubljana in November 2019. | Author Arhiv Republike Slovenije

The past is just a click away! This now well-known and well-established slogan was again used to unite the participants of the 4h international conference of the Slovenian e-archives project in 2019.

The project whose aim is to establish and implement Slovenian electronic archives and whose abbreviation is after four years well familiar to us all, is financed by the European Social Fund and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and engages the effort of the entire Slovenian public archival community.  On November 20 and 21, 2019 the conference rooms of the Austria Trend Hotel in Ljubljana transformed itself into the »home« of archivists, records managers and the interested public from all corners of Slovenia as well as from abroad. At the conference, which in its fourth year became a sort of tradition among Slovenia’s archival community, the participants were informed about the progress of the project and about the present and future challenges faced by those working in the field of e-services and e-archiving. Digitization of archival records and the era of hybrid production of current and archival records on paper and in virtual environment pose a number of challenges for records creators and archivists, as well as for long-term records managers, records custodians and users. The whole concept of the conference was based on this key issue and it followed the concept of open archival information system (OAIS). Paper presentations and examples of good practice and solutions were targeted at the three main groups of participants; records creators, archivists and users of archival records.

The conference included 22 presentations, all of them stressing the need for cooperation among those who manage records throughout their entire life-cycle. It is precisely for this reason that such records creators, managers and custodians were joined at the round table to further discuss the future of e-archiving and the challenges we will all need to overcome in the coming years.

Introductory Lectures

Creators and submission of archival records [# solutions for creators of records]

Archives and preservation of cultural heritage in digital form [# storagesolutions]

  • Martin RECHTORIK, National Archives of the Czech Republic: Click on print button, conversions between analogue and electronic forms in Czech eGovernment [Pritisk na gumb za tiskanje, konverzije med analognimi in elektronskimi oblikami v češki eVladi]

Access to archival records in digital form [# solutions for access to documents]

Round table

  • Slovenski e-arhiv: izzivi in dileme v fazi razvoja prve generacije in predlogi za drugo generacijo slovenskega e-arhiva [Slovene e-archives: challenges and dilemmas in the development of the first generation and suggestions for the second generation of the Slovene e-archives]