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EU funding for sustainable mobility measures in Urban Municipality Celje

  • Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, has issued a grant decision for the project “Development of the northern connection road and associated cycling and pedestrian infrastructure”. The project budget amounts to EUR 1.65 million with the Cohesion Fund contributing a little under EUR 429,000.

A new road linking the settlements Nova vas and Ostrožno will be developed to become part of the local public transport system and help reduce the motorised traffic in the vicinity of residential areas. The project will help link urban areas and their hinterland, reduce traffic congestion, improve the quality of life in the built environment and enhance traffic safety.

The project seeks to develop the missing road infrastructure with complementary sustainable mobility measures, such as development of cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, construction of two bus stops, setting up of street furniture and billboards, development of street lighting for cyclists and pedestrians and planting of the intervention area with trees.    

For more information, please refer to the Ministry of Infrastructure.