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General Affairs Council discussed the Conference on the Future of Europe

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Today, State Secretary Matej Marn attended the General Affairs Council. While the participants were informed of the priorities of the Presidency, which is held by Croatia for the first time, the discussions centred mainly on the Conference on the Future of Europe.

General Affairs Council debate

This topic was put on the agenda at the request of the European Council in order to shape the Council’s position on the content, scope, composition and functioning of the conference, and to engage, on this basis, with the European Parliament and the Commission.

During the debate on the conference, State Secretary Matej Marn stressed that increased efficiency of and trust in the EU can only be achieved only through enhanced dialogue and equal participation of all Member States, their national parliaments and citizens. The conference should focus on five key areas: (1) security of the Union and its citizens, (2) successful and inclusive economy, (3) social aspects of the Union, (4) a strong Union at the global level, and (5) an efficient Union.

In the framework of the conference, Slovenia will pursue the dialogue with citizens at the local level, as they may add to the democratic legitimacy of the conference and its outcomes. According to Slovenia, the conference should address the developmental aspects of the Union and tackle institutional issues only as a last resort, if necessary to improve the efficiency of EU policies. Slovenia will pay special attention to the Conference on the Future of Europe also during its presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2021.

AC was also informed of the priority areas of the Croatian presidency: (1) a Europe that develops, (2) a Europe that connects, (3) a Europe that protects and (4) an influential Europe.

Additional information:
- General Affairs Council 
- Conclusions of December European Council regarding the Conference on the Future of Europe
- Communication of the European Commission on the Conference on the Future of Europe