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Changed rules governing the issuing of Schengen visas

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
An amendment of the Visa Code (Regulation (EC) No 810/2009) enters into force on 2 February 2020. As a result, some of the rules governing the issuing of Schengen visas will change.

The most important changes include:
– As of 2 February 2020, applications for Schengen visas can be lodged six (6) months and no longer three (3) months before the start of the intended visit;
– The amount of visa fee will be EUR 80, except for children under six years, for whom the visa fee will be waived; for children between six and twelve, the visa fee will be EUR 40;
– New forms for visa application will apply and be available here;
– Rules governing multiple-entry visas and validity will change.

For nationals of third countries which have concluded bilateral agreements on visa facilitation with the EU the visa fee will remain unchanged (EUR 35).