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Recommendations of the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights accepted

On 30 January 2020, the Slovenian Government approved the report about the oral hearing of Slovenia in the third UPR cycle, which took place in Geneva on 12 November 2019. At the same time, it approved the report of the UPR Working Group on the basis of which Slovenia decided on the recommendations of other countries in the third UPR cycle. The decision will be published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

The Slovenian Government tasked both the ministries and government services with the implementation of the accepted recommendations in accordance with their respective competences. The Inter-Ministerial Commission on Human Rights will be monitoring the implementation of the recommendations at the national level. The Commission is led by the MFA together with the representatives of other ministries and government services, the Human Rights Ombudsman, the Advocate of the Principle of Equality, and representatives of non-governmental organisations and academia.