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1st regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

At today's session, the Government set up a Crisis Management Headquarters of the Republic of Slovenia in order to contain and manage the COVID-19 epidemic. The Government also discussed measures to contain the epidemic.
At the proposal of the Prime Minister, they also appointed Deputy Prime Minister, and Dr Božo Predalič was appointed Secretary General of the Government. They also set up a State Organisation and Public Affairs Committee of the Republic of Slovenia, Economic Committee of the Republic of Slovenia as well as an Administrative Affairs and Appointment Committee of the Republic of Slovenia. Several state secretaries have also been appointed.

The Minister of economic development and technology, Mr Zdravko Počivalšek, has been appointed the Deputy Prime Minister, Mag Matej Tonin has been appointed the Minister of defence, and Aleksandra Pivec has been appointed the Minister of agriculture, forestry and food.

Dr Božo Predalič has been appointed Secretary General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

Regular sessions are going to take place on Thursdays, and government working bodies are going to meet on Tuesdays.

Mr Aleš Hojs will be the head of the State Organisation and Public Affairs Committee of the Republic of Slovenia, the Minister of economic development and technology, Mr Zdravko Počivalšek, will be the head of the Economic Committee of the Republic of Slovenia, and Minister of development, strategic projects and cohesion, Mr Zvonko Černač, will be the head of the Administrative Affairs and Appointment Committee of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Government has also made declaratory decisions at to the dismissal of previous state secretaries.

The Government has also appointed several state secretaries to help the Prime Minister and the newly elected ministers. The ministers have thus appointed the following state secretaries:

  • In the Office of the Prime Minister: Dr Vinko Gorenak, Mag Igor Senčar and Žan Mahnič;
  • At the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities: Cveto Uršič and Mateja Ribič;
  • At the Ministry of Finance: Mag Peter Ješovnik and Kristina Šteblaj;
  • At the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport: Jure Gašparič;
  • At the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology: Aleš Cantarutti and Simon Zajc;
  • At the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food: Damjan Stanonik and Dr Jože Podgoršek;
  • At the Ministry of Public Administration: Urška Ban;
  • At the Ministry of Culture: Dr Ignacija Fridl Jarc;
  • At the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Franc Kangler;
  • At the Ministry of Justice: Matic Zupan;
  • At the Ministry of Defence: Mag Damijan Jaklin and Uroš Lampret;
  • At the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning: Dr Metka Gorišek;
  • At the Ministry of Infrastructure: Blaž Košorok;
  • At the Ministry of External Affairs: Mag Gašper Dovžan and Tone Kajzer;
  • At the Ministry of Health: Mag Andrej Možina;
  • In the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy: Mag Monika Kirbiš Rojs;
  • In the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad: Dr Dejan Valentinčič.

As of 13 March, Mrs Tatjana Bobnar shall be dismissed as the Director General of the Police, and Mr Anton Travner shall be appointed acting Director General of the Police until a new Director General is appointed in the framework of a selection procedure, but for a maximum of six months. 

Mag Alenka Ermenc was dismissed as the Chief of General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces, and Dejan Matijevič was dismissed as Director General of the Intelligence and Security Service at the Ministry of Defence.

Mr Andrej Osolnik has been appointed Director General of the Intelligence and Security Service for a term of five years.

Mag Kristina Plavšak Krajnc has been dismissed as the Director of the Government Communication Office. As of 14 March 2020, Mr Miro Petek has been appointed Acting Director until a new Director is appointed in the framework of a selection procedure, but for a maximum of six months.

Mr Rado Felet has been dismissed as the Director of the Government Office for Legislation. As of 14 March 2020, Dr Katja Triller Vrtovec has been appointed Acting Director until a new Director is appointed in the framework of a selection procedure, but for a maximum of six months.

The Government has issued a decision on the basis of which they dismissed Mag Lilijana Kozlovič as Director General of the Slovenian Environment Agency. As of 14 March 2020, Mr Iztok Slatinšek has been appointed Acting Director until a new Director is appointed in the framework of a selection procedure, but for a maximum of six months.

The Government has adopted a Decision on the number of office positions with fixed-term employment contracts. Offices of individual ministers and the Office of the Secretary General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia may have up to seven positions with fixed-term employment contracts. Offices of individual ministers having one state secretary may have up to seven positions with fixed-term employment contracts. The Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia may have any number of positions with fixed-term employment contracts as long as the number of these does not exceed the number envisaged in the personnel plan.

By being appointed the Secretary General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia as of 14 March 2020, Dr Božo Predalič has also become an officer responsible for communicating public information referring to governmental documents comprised in the documentary archives of the Secretariat General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Government has authorised Dr Božo Predalič in the capacity of the Secretary General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to express the will of the Republic of Slovenia as the only shareholder and company member in corporate entities.