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Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of public gathering at public meetings and public events and other events in public places in the Republic of Slovenia

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has issued the Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of public gathering at public meetings and public events and other events in public places in the Republic of Slovenia, which is to be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

To contain and manage the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) epidemic, the movement and gathering of people in public places and areas in the Republic of Slovenia and access to public places and areas the Republic of Slovenia shall be prohibited until further notice.

The Ordinance shall not apply to activities that enable the functioning of state authorities and local communities and the performance of public tasks by competent services.

Individuals shall be allowed to move in, access and stay in a public place while keeping a safe distance from other persons for the following purposes:

– getting to and from work and performing work duties;

– performing economic, agricultural and forestry activities;

– eliminating immediate threats to health, life and property;

– care and assistance to persons in need of support;

– access to pharmacies, grocery stores and direct agricultural sales;

– access to drugstores and drugstore markets;

– access to the sale of medicinal products and medical devices and sanitary devices;

– access to health and sanitary services;

– access to services for persons with special needs;

– access to locations selling animal food;

– access to the sale and maintenance of safety and emergency products;

– access to emergency services;

– access to agricultural stores, including slaughterhouses and the sale of seeds, feedstuffs and fertilizers;

– access to filling stations;

– access to banks and post offices;

– access to the performance of tasks related to the operation of judicial authorities;

– access to delivery, cleaning and hygiene services;

– access to municipal utility services for waste management;

– access to car repair services and agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment repair services;

– access to public parks and other areas for walking;

– access to foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts.

These exceptions may be defined in detail by a mayor by a decision that is made public for an individual local community depending on the specific needs within that community.

Movement, access to and stay in a public place shall, within the framework of the aforementioned exceptions, be also allowed for:

– groups of persons who are close family members or share the same household, provided they keep a safe distance from other similar groups;

– groups of up to five co-workers who share the same personal vehicle to get to work or who have been called up to perform tasks within the Civil Protection Service.

The Ordinance shall enter into force on 20 March 2020 at 00:00 and shall remain in force until it is revoked.

Fines for offences under this Ordinance shall be imposed pursuant to the act governing communicable diseases.

On the day this Ordinance enters into force, the Order on the prohibition of public gatherings at public events in enclosed public places (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 18/20) and the Order on the prohibition of public gatherings at certain sports and other events in outdoor public places (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 17/20) shall cease to be in force.