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Distance learning going better than expected

A week after distance schooling was introduced in schools amid the coronavirus epidemic, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport notes that the schooling is going better than expected.
Distance learning takes place via e-mails, websites, social media and online classrooms set up by schools on the Slovenian Education Network

Distance learning takes place via e-mails, websites, social media and online classrooms set up by schools on the Slovenian Education Network | Author Hans Neleman-GettyImages/GulliverFilm&Foto

As many as 380 primary schools, out of a total of 455, are taking part, while others are encouraged to do so as well, Minister Simona Kustec said.

She said that despite some initial difficulties on the first day, distance learning was running much more smoothly on Tuesday and online platforms and services were more stable that day.

Some 122,500 primary school students, as well as 14,000 teachers, took part in distance learning in the first week after schools closed, while figures for secondary schools are even better.

She expressed her respect and gratitude to all school principals involved in distance learning, and encouraged schools that had yet to implement this means of education to actively and successfully participate in the process. "If we want to continue with education smoothly, we need to be active," she said.

Distance learning takes place via e-mails, websites, social media and online classrooms set up by schools on the Slovenian Education Network. Online classrooms are most active in the mornings and evenings. For example, during peak hours around 10.00, there were as many as 15,000 active users in the Arnes classrooms, the Minister said.