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Thirteen checkpoints to be set up at the border with Austria at midnight

The Government has issued the Ordinance on the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia from the Republic of Austria to contain and manage communicable diseases, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Ordinance lays down the establishment and operation of thirteen checkpoints in the border area at the following road connections with the Republic of Austria:

  • Gornja Radgona – Bad Radkersburg,
  • Kuzma – Bonisdorf,
  • Holmec – Grablach,
  • Karavanke – Karawankentunnel,
  • Jurij – Langegg,
  • Vič – Lavamund,
  • Ljubelj – Loibltunnel,
  • Trate – Mureck,
  • Radlje – Radlpass,
  • Gederovci – Sicheldorf,
  • Šentilj (motorway) – Spielfeld (Autobahn),
  • Šentilj (main road) – Spielfeld (Bundesstrasse), and
  • Korensko sedlo – Wurzenpass.

The checkpoints will be open at all times, except:

  • Holmec – Grablach, which is open from 5.00 to 21.00,
  • Jurij – Langegg and Šentilj (main road) – Spielfeld (Bundesstrasse), which are open from 6.00 to 21.00, and
  • Vič – Lavamund and Korensko sedlo – Wurzenpass, which are open from 5.00 to 23.00.

Road operators will ensure that the necessary signs are set up at the checkpoints and that all other road connections with the Republic of Austria are closed.

Railway passenger transport between Austria and Slovenia is suspended.

Entry into Slovenia is permitted to foreign citizens under the condition that they present proof in the Slovenian, English or German language of a molecular laboratory test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) showing negative results for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and is no older than three days.

If a foreign citizen fails to present proof, they will still be permitted entry into Slovenia if:

  • their body temperature is below 37.5°C and
  • there are no clear signs of an upper respiratory tract infection (cough, sneezing, shortness of breath).

Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and persons with a permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Slovenia are granted entry into Slovenia. If their body temperature is above 37.5°C or if they show clear signs of an upper respiratory tract infection (cough, sneezing, shortness of breath), the person will be informed about the instructions provided by the National Institute of Public Health.

The Ordinance does not apply to citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of the Republic of Austria, landowners who own property on both sides of the national border and perform agricultural work, cross-border migrant workers, freight transport, passengers of ambulances, emergency and rescue vehicles and transit in the form of organised humanitarian convoys.

The transit of persons assumed to be unable to leave the territory of the Republic of Slovenia due to measures taken by its neighbouring countries will not be permitted.

The Ordinance will be implemented by health professionals and the Civil Protection of the Republic of Slovenia with the assistance of the Police. Implementation will be adjusted according to the traffic density and the passenger risks observed at a given checkpoint.

The Ordinance will take effect on 25 March 2020 at 00.00.