Solutions for Creators of Archival Records
Catalogue of Knowledge and Training Programme
In accordance with the Regulation on Gaining Professional Qualification in the Field of Current Records Management, acquiring of professional qualification for employees who work with current records starts with a training, followed by a professional proficiency test. Such training courses are organized for records creators by archival institutions joined in the Slovenian public archives network. Candidates learn about various subjects, such as legal regulations, paper and digital records management, and information and archival science in the broadest sense of the word.
In order to standardize the subjects covered by different archives during their training courses, and to offer the candidates a comprehensive review of topics they need to be proficient in to pass proficiency test, project prepared the catalogue of subjects covered and the training programme.
Catalogue of Knowledge and Training Programme
Catalogue of knowledge and Training Programme
Documentation- Catalogue of knowledge and training programme (docx, 144 KB)
- Catalogue of knowledge and training programme (pdf, 1011 KB)
Submission Information Package (SIP) Editor
By officially taking over the application SIP Editor at the end of 2019, we managed to successfully complete one of the priorities of the project, which was to acquire a tool needed to create Submission Information Package (SIP). Ingest of electronic archival records is a complex task and one that requires many adjustments and checking; to standardize this procedure both for the records creators as well as for archival institutions, we developed a special tool called SIP Editor, which uses advanced and user mode to enable the creation of SIP. The advanced mode is used by archivists to create a profile scheme by means of which SIP structure is determined. The user mode enables the description of records, the filling of profile scheme with the actual records, and finally the packaging of SIP for the records to be ingested into digital archives. SIP Editor also has a built-in validation of SIP. Apart from parameters determined in the scheme by archivists, SIP validation also checks the suitability of formats and uses special algorithms to calculate bit sums, which throughout the storage of the records prove their integrity and authenticity.