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The prohibition of movement outside the municipality of permanent or temporary residence in force from midnight

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Ordinance on the temporary general prohibition of movement and public gathering in public places and areas in the Republic of Slovenia and the prohibition of movement outside the municipality of permanent or temporary residence, to be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. The Ordinance will enter into force on 30 March 2020 at 00.00 and will remain in force until revoked.

In order to contain and control the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) epidemic, the following is prohibited by the Ordinance until further notice: 

  • movement and gathering of people in public places and areas,
  • access to public places and areas,
  • movement outside the municipality of permanent or temporary residence, unless otherwise provided by this Ordinance.

The Ordinance does not apply to activities carried out by the competent services to ensure the performance of the tasks of the State, self-governing local communities and public services.

Movement, access to and staying in a public place is permitted to individuals, subject to their maintaining a safe distance from other persons, for the following purposes (Article 3):

  • arriving to and departing from work and performing work tasks,
  • carrying out economic, agricultural and forestry activities,
  • addressing the imminent threat to health, life and property,
  • protection and assistance to persons in need of support or care of family members,
  • access to pharmacies, health and sanitary services,
  • access to foreign diplomatic and consular missions,
  • access to emergency services,
  • access to the performance of tasks related to the functioning of judicial authorities,
  • access to services for people with disabilities.

Movement, access to and staying in a public place is permitted to individuals, subject to their maintaining a safe distance from other persons, for the following purposes (Article 3):

  • access to grocery stores and agricultural direct sales,
  • access to health, toiletries and beauty retailers (chemists),
  • access to the sale of medical products and medical aids and sanitary aids,
  • access to food stores for animals,
  • access to the sale and maintenance of safety and emergency products,
  • access to agricultural/farm shops, including slaughterhouses, and seed, feed and fertilizer stores,
  • access to petrol stations,
  • access to banks and post offices,
  • access to delivery, cleaning and hygiene services,
  • access to municipal waste services,
  • access to automotive service and repair shops and service and repair shops for agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment. 

If these services are not provided in the municipality of permanent or temporary residence, access to another municipality is permitted, but only to the nearest accessible service by public road or public route.

Depending on the specific needs of an individual self-governing local community, the exceptions listed can be defined in more detail by its mayor with a decision that is made public.

During the declared SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) communicable disease epidemic, an individual with a permanent and temporary residence may only reside at one registered address and cannot change this address or move from one registered address to the other.

Access to public parks and other areas for walking is only permitted within the municipality of an individual’s permanent or temporary residence (Article 4). For the area of an individual local community, its mayor can define by a decision that is made public the means and conditions for access or prohibit access to specific public places  and areas in the municipality. The mayor can also use enlisted members of the Civil Protection to oversee the implementation of the Ordinance and the mayor’s decision in the area of the relevant municipality. If during their patrol, a Civil Protection member encounters a violation that they cannot prevent or stop with a warning, they will immediately notify the nearest police station.

Movement, access to and staying in a public place will, within the framework of the exceptions referred to in Articles 3 and 4, be also allowed for:

  • groups of persons who are close family members or members of the same household, provided it is possible to ensure a safe distance from the movement of other similar groups,
  • groups of up to five co-workers if they are sharing the same personal vehicle to commute to or from work or who have been called up to perform tasks within the Civil Protection.

When moving or staying in a closed public space where services under Article 3 are performed, in addition to maintaining a safe distance from others, it is mandatory to use protective masks or other means of protecting the mouth and nose area (scarf or other similar protection) that covers the nose and mouth, as is the use of protective gloves.

Fines for offences under this Ordinance will be imposed pursuant to the Communicable Diseases Act. In addition to the competent inspection services, the implementation of the Ordinance is also overseen by the police within the limits of its powers.

With the entry into force of this Ordinance, the Ordinance on the temporary general prohibition of movement and public gathering in public places and areas in the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS), No. 30/20) will cease to be in force.